Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Crochet snowflakes

Sorry, that I write very ocassionally now, but I really don't have a time. Holiday season is began) But I found a time today to show these crochet snowflakes. 
In south Italy here we don't have snow, so I decided to make my own snowflakes and decorate my house and christmas tree with them. Maybe I will attache one to the gift for my friends or decorate window or reefer. It's a great idea to also use them for custom holiday cards. 
I found many patterns in internet and choose 12 most beautiful for me.
They are so delicate and beautiful! Some people wrote me that these snowflakes the same like granmather made) and for these people it's like return to childhood.
If you know crochet it will be easy for you to make a pair of crochet snowflakes for Chrostmas tree. The design possibilities are endless, each one unique. There are many patterns in Internet perfect also for begginers. Depending on which crochet thread you use, the size of snowflakes can vary anywhere from 2-4 inches in diameter to as much as 5 inches. I advice to use thin thread - they will be like lace!
It's important - when you finish them you should stiffen snowflakes well and use pins to stretch and shape them.

On this image there are more difficult to make snowflakes:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chestnuts adventure in Calabria. Part 2

This is second part of my post about our trip in Calabria. It dedicated to forest. I don't have many words to write - all you need tell you photos.

When you go by a car between two hills - sudden you enter in cloud and it seems that you stay in horror film. Road, only road and clouds... nothing more around...
 Then you drive out and it's sun again and flaming forest:
 Small road in the forest:
Always in clouds:

Roads became smaller and smaller:

26 kg of chestnuts:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chestnuts adventure in Calabria. Part 1

1 November is a Holiday in Italy thats why we decided to make a three days weekend and go in Calabria to pick chestnuts in forest. We went to Camigliatello Silano. It's a small town in Sila moutains and it population is about 1000 persons.
 It was Sunday and as you think, what we found when we came - a Fest! It was Sagra of chestnuts and potatoes. Sagra is a small local fest dedicated to local food and drinks.
The central street was full of market stalls selling every local product and of course chestnuts, potatoes and mushrooms. 
Of course there was local cheese and salami:

This chees in hay we bought:
Cute market stall:
Cute decorations made from pumpkin:
Of course on every corner you can find roasted chestnuts:
Calabria is region in southern Italy, so no fest can be without trtaditional dance - tarantella.
This cute felted toadstools I saw in showcase of the shop: