Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Trip to Ovindoli, Abrizzo

November is a time to go in the forest and take chestnuts. Last year we gone in Calabry and this year we made long weekend in Abruzzo. First days of November we prepared our suitcase, put them in the car and gone in Abruzzo, in the small town Ovindoli. When we arrived (of course my husband did not ask before if there are chestnuts) it turned out that the town is on too high altitude from sea level (chestnuts grow at an altitude of approximately 700 meters) . The nearest place where they grow, 30 km from the city.

Иut that will not stop us)
Was unearthly beauty around, all the trees weared autumn colors (this is what I miss in Brindisi, where almost all of the trees are evergreen). We decided one day just to walk in the surrounding mountains.
So I present to you a few pictures that I took while walking.

Risotto with zucchini flowers and saffron - Risotto con fiori di zucca

Today I wrote about new recipe. It's Risotto with zucchini flowers. A few days ago I gone at the local market to buy a piece of pumpkin. After I bought it I saw fresh zuvvhini flowers and decided not to miss opportuniti to make this risotto. The piece of pumpkin I left for other day. So, let's begin!
It's easy to make recipe and need about 20 min. 

You will need :
about 200 gr of zucchini flowers,
300 gr of rise
1 onion
1 l of vegetable broth (you can use also water)
a sachet of saffron
70 gr. grated Parmesan cheese
50-70 ml of white vine

 Wash the zucchini flowers, dry them with a paper towel, remove the pistil. Thinly slice flowers:

 Cut the onion finely. Put butter in one sausepan and saute the onion.

 Add the zucchini flowers

After a few minutes add the rice and toast it, then pour white wine.
Start adding gradually the ladles of vegetable broth, as soon as you see that the water is absorbed. Melt the contents of a sachet of saffron to the pan and stir well, so that mix well with rice. Continue to add broth, until the rice will be cooked. Don't forgot to add salt and pepper.

Before serving add Parmesan cheese and let stand for 5 minutes.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Black friday Cyber monday sale!

Take the occasion! Black friday Cyber monday sale!
You can receive 20% off in my graphic shop KarisaGraphic.etsy.com and
15% off in my jewelry and accessories shop Katrinshine.etsy.com!
Use coupon code “Katrinblackfriday” at the check out.
Coupon code will be active from November 23, 2011 to November 26, 2012 only.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall giveaway winner!

I'm happy to announce the winner of Fall Giveaway!

Entry #74 from Oksana V. was choosen as a winner! Congratulations!

Your necklace will be packed and sent to your address in a next couple of days!

Congratulations and thank you for participation and comments, everyone! I'm
 do apologize for not responding to individual comments, but I highly appreciate them and very grateful to all of you!