Monday, November 17, 2014

Spicy pumpkin soup-puree

Since my childhood I did not like pumpkin and no tricks of mom could not get me to eat something with it. Passing the time, tastes change and at first I began to prepare risotto with pumpkin and then tried other recipes. Today I will introduce you my version of the recipe soup, mashed pumpkin. This soup is spicy and a little unusual, I hope you like it)

You will need:

  • pumpkin, about a pound
  • one or two potatoes
  • onion
  • red lentils (a little bit - optional)
  • cream
  • oil
  • turmeric and chili powder
  • salt

Cut or chop finely in a blender the onion and fry it until golden brown

Pumpkin and potatoes clean and cut into small or medium pieces, put to boil in salted water.

If you add red lentils, then put it when the pumpkin is already semi-cooked, because this lentils cooked quickly. When all is cooked, drain almost all the broth (broth can leaved for something else), add the onion and chop in a blender.

Add a bit of cream, a spoonful of turmeric and a pinch (or more, as you like) red pepper powder. Mix everything well.

I like to sprinkle flax seeds or sesame seeds and pour a spoon of good olive oil.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Fall collection of Fabric Jewelry

I'm happy to present you new photos of my fall collection of fabric jewelry. Whole fall collection you can find in my Etsy shop

Fall... It’s the time when nature explodes with colors: orange, brown, olive green...

These amazing photos were created by photographer from Saint-Petersburg Ulianna Tennant, model: Nadya Papazova, Make-up: Tatiana Sidorova

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Italian recipe - how to cook roveja peas (well, the other legumes too)

Before I'd like to tell you what is roveja (or robiglio). I bought it by accident in the Organic shop.

Roveja peas - an Italian variety of pea Pisum sativum, now almost forgotten, displaced  by modern varieties. But, as I have already remarked, there is a tendency to return to the roots, to the indigenous local varieties of vegetables and fruits, so things like roveja, black chickpeas, etc. can now be found on store shelves, and at the sellers in the market.

Roveja came to Italy from Central Asia, where was cultivated since Neolithic times. Roveja grown in Italy for many centuries, especially in its middle part - Abruzzo, Marche, Umbria. It is also called "meadow peas" or "shepherd peas." Roveja is low fat and it's rich of fiber, carbohydrates, phosphorus and potassium.

So, the proportions look at yourself as someone like more vegetables. someone less and more water. You will need :

  • roveja peas (or any other bean you like - lentils, beans, chickpeas)
  • kombu seaweed
  • onions
  • garlic
  • carrot
  • green celery
  • tomatoes (fresh or preserved)
  • hot peppers
  • olive oil, salt, pepper
So, first soak the peas with a piece of kombu in water, better for the night -  it shortens their cooking time. By the way, if you cook all the beans with kombu seaweed - it improves the taste and facilitates digestion of legumes. At the end, you can remove it from the pan.

I boil until roveja in a pressure cooker, for about half an hour. Then I open the lid, add prepared vegetables, salt, pepper and cook another 30-45 minutes. You can not prepare in vegetables, but put them all in a pressure cooker.

To prepare vegetables:

Chop the onion and garlic. Fry them until golden brown in olive oil. Then add the chopped carrots and cook for a little bit.

 Next in line is celery (I usually freeze it, then it is always ready) and hot peppers

Now add the tomatoes. If you like you can peel them

When vegetables are ready add them to the roveja, put salt and black pepper, and simmer in pressure cooker for about 30-40 min.

Bon Appetit)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My fabric necklace featured in Jewelry Affaire Magazine

Another good news! My fabric necklace was featured in Jewelry Affaire Magazine, of Stampington & Company in the United States. And this is the second time already) I think, they like my jewelery )) 

It is more pleasant by the fact that the magazine was released almost simultaneously with the book Art Without Waste: 500 Upcycled and Earth-Friendly Art & Designs - where were included my T-shirts.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Autumn is here

Happy Autumn!
My last photo session - all about Autumn and Harvest

All my photos you can find on stocks:
fotolia   shutterstock   istock   depositphotos   dreamstime   bigstock