Sunday, December 28, 2014

Salted codfish mousse recipe

Well, Christmas is already passed, Santa Claus brought our gifts, stomach is trying to digest all we ate, and I decided to write about one of the appetizers that I cooked for the Christmas table. It's easy and delicious and it is very simple to cook.

 In  this recipe salted codfish can be replaced with other fish.

You will need:

  • 500g fish (soaked salted codfish)
  • 700-1000ml of milk
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic (optional, I do not put it45)
  • 1-2 potatoes
  • refined oil - about 200ml, salt, pepper
  • lemon juice

Clean fish from skin and bones and put to boil in milk (with garlic) for about half an hour, milk should cover the fish, almost all milk should be absorbed at the end. Clean and boil a couple of potatoes. Then leave potatoes and fish to cool. When everything has cooled a bit, put all in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat at high speed. Add oil in a thin stream, as for making mayonnaise. Then add a little of lemon juice, pepper and salt (salt, if you use other fish). At the end I used hand blender with wire whisk to make it moew creamy.

This time I got a piece of the tail, but if you take a shoulder, the mousse will be more airily. Serve it on toast.

Bon Appetite)

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Amazing Christmas Lausanne

By accident in December we went to Switzerland to the ball. His cousin lives there near Lausanne, and she actually invited us to this event and hosted us. We went for 3 days, so we can spent on the day for Lausanne and one for Geneva before departure.

It was cold, icy wind, when we visited Lausanne so we decided to walk only in the center and don't go down to the lake.

The city is very beautiful, especially decorated for Christmas. I think in the spring and summer it is absolutely amazing. The decorations on the streets were non-traditional, modern, not the way we usually think about them - for example, clouds made of white wire, hanging men, perhaps, they were angels, but at first glance did not seemed so.

Lausanne - the 4th largest city in Switzerland, it is remarkable that is on 2 levels. This is due to the fact that it was built on three hills, which are connected by bridges. Elevation here is from 373 to 871 meters above sea level. And Since 1994, Lausanne - the official Olympic capital of the world. Here are the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, as well as key institutions for managing the Olympic movement and international sports.

Taking off the bus we got straight to the Church of St. Francis.

Here began and Christmas Market, where there was a lot of things: and knitwear, and soap and cosmetics, and jewelry.

Every weekend in the streets of the old city it is also a market, so the streets were filled with vendors of everything: lots of flowers, branches and all you need for Christmas decorations, as well as ready-made Christmas decorations for the house, vegetables and fruits, homemade canned goods and more.

mushrooms :)

After strolling through the streets and bought a jam, we went to another square with the Cathedral of Notre Dame - one of the most beautiful and important Gothic churches of Europe. At one time, it was a center of pilgrimage. Now there is a organ of 7,000 pipes.

On this square Fair moved into the category cheese-sausage (there were even Italian cheeses and pasta) and then became a flea market where I bought a pair of spoons/forks/knives for food photos.

By the way, I really liked the singing of the choir, which collected donations in the pot on the side of the photo:

And, of course, we haven't forgotten to buy in this shop some Swiss chocolate to bring it at home :)

One of the squares in the center called square Palud, decorated in the center with a beautiful colored fountain "Justice". On the square there is a clock that shows every hour a small musical performance. We were lucky and we just went at one o'clock on the square.

Here, actually, I drinking gluehwein  :)

This is me before entering at the ball, which was held at the Beau-Rivage Palace, which is one of the most luxurious hotels not only in Switzerland but also in Europe and in the world. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dala Horse free cross stitch pattern

The Dala Horse or Dalecarlian horse is a popular Swedish handicraft and souvenir. The name comes from its home province, Dalarna, in central Sweden. In the old days the Dala Horse was mostly used as a toy for children. In modern times it has become a symbol of Dalarna, as well as Sweden in general. Also now the horse has become the sign of good luck and these carvings are often given as gifts for hosts, family and friends. The authentic Dala Horse is carved from wood, but the symbol is now famous and replicated is a variety of mediums.

Mariya, the owner of LaMariaCha shop is a Scandinavian folk art lover I just couldn’t resist and had to create this Christmas ornament pattern. 

 You can use any color, not necessarily to use those in the picture. They can be embroidered on plastic canvas using woolen thread, then use this pattern for Christmas decorations or just put it in a hoop. These simple stylish embroideries can be a wonderful Christmas present for your family and friends or you can simply decorate your home.

If you use linen canvas, it’s better to begin from the middle. If you use plastic one, then began from any angle.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Free printable Christmas gift tags

It's december now and Christmas is already here. Everybody is thinking about gifts for friends, parents, family. Or mayby you already bought it, like me and made a beautiful package after searching in Pinterest wrapping boards)) 
Just the last touch - print small gift tags with letter and attach to the gift bags, so everybody can known its gift: "N" for Nando, "K" for Katrin, "F" for Francesco etc. You can put also whole name of the person because of course can be persons with the names began from the same letter. In this case you can hang "NANDO" on the thread and Nando will recognize his gift immediately.
You can use these letters also in your scrapbooking project.

You can print it easily on home printer. Make right click and save the image. You can download it here in good quality: 300dpi and 8.5x11" paper size with 1" circles.
Use common 1" circle puncher and cut out letters you need. You can create in photo redactor a sheet with personalizzed letter (in case you need to letters H for exemple). Hand the tag on the nice Christmas ribbon or simple red or green ribbon.

Please, be aware that the digital collage sheet is not to be sold as digital or printed collage sheet.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Italian traditional recipe for Immacolata - Baccala with potatoes in the oven

Yesterday in Italy was a great holiday, of course, religious, and even a public holiday. It is called Immacolata - Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. 

Usually at Immacolata or after it Italians decorate the Christmas tree and the house for the holiday. After that day, many people begin the search for gifts. By the way, I have gifts ordered online)) I for me and my husband Santa Claus will bring shoes Vibram Fivefingers for barefoot running))

So what is Baccala? - A salt codfish. Initially, it was a food for the poor people. It has to be soaked, changing the water several times, at least for 24-36 hours, or even more. Then, it can be cooked. In stores you can usually buy already soaked Baccala. In our region, it traditionally prepared for Immacolata, which was yesterday) that's why I'm writing you about this recipe.

So, you'll need

  • soaked baccala, about 500g - not soaked 200gr 
  • potatoes, 1-1.5 kg, whichever you prefer - more potatoes or not)
  • 2-3 onions
  • tomatoes, better cherry, about 0.5 kg
  • garlic, 1-2 cloves 
  • cheese to sprinkle on top
  • parsley
  • 100 ml of white wine
  • olive oil, salt, pepper

Soak baccala, changing water several times. Peel potatoes, onions, garlic.

Onions and potatoes cut into half rings.

Mix the potatoes with sliced tomatoes, add olive oil, a bit of salt (very few), pepper and water, all mix well - leave it now.

Fry the onions until golden brown on low heat in olive oil. At the end add finely chopped garlic

Then add the sliced baccala (check it for bones). Fry for 2-3 minutes  on maximum fire. Then again, remove the fire to minimum, pour the wine and stew for another 2-3 minutes.

Take the dish for the oven, brush the bottom of the oil. Put a layer of baccala with onions, then add the potatoes on top. Pour the liquid from the potatoes. If it does not reach the level of potatoes, then add the water. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and cheese.

Do not add the salt !!! Only the minimum amount of salt that we put in potatoes - baccla is salty itself and gives its salt to the dish.

Bake in preheated to 220° С oven until potatoes are cooked . I usually put in the bottom to heat up/down and then move higher and turn on the grill for a nice crust.

Bon Appetite))

Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy December

Today I decided to open new tradition of my blog - Say you happy month with a nice photo)) 
Happy December!!
All my photos you can find on stocks:
fotolia   shutterstock   istock   depositphotos   dreamstime   bigstock

Monday, November 17, 2014

Spicy pumpkin soup-puree

Since my childhood I did not like pumpkin and no tricks of mom could not get me to eat something with it. Passing the time, tastes change and at first I began to prepare risotto with pumpkin and then tried other recipes. Today I will introduce you my version of the recipe soup, mashed pumpkin. This soup is spicy and a little unusual, I hope you like it)

You will need:

  • pumpkin, about a pound
  • one or two potatoes
  • onion
  • red lentils (a little bit - optional)
  • cream
  • oil
  • turmeric and chili powder
  • salt

Cut or chop finely in a blender the onion and fry it until golden brown

Pumpkin and potatoes clean and cut into small or medium pieces, put to boil in salted water.

If you add red lentils, then put it when the pumpkin is already semi-cooked, because this lentils cooked quickly. When all is cooked, drain almost all the broth (broth can leaved for something else), add the onion and chop in a blender.

Add a bit of cream, a spoonful of turmeric and a pinch (or more, as you like) red pepper powder. Mix everything well.

I like to sprinkle flax seeds or sesame seeds and pour a spoon of good olive oil.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Fall collection of Fabric Jewelry

I'm happy to present you new photos of my fall collection of fabric jewelry. Whole fall collection you can find in my Etsy shop

Fall... It’s the time when nature explodes with colors: orange, brown, olive green...

These amazing photos were created by photographer from Saint-Petersburg Ulianna Tennant, model: Nadya Papazova, Make-up: Tatiana Sidorova

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Italian recipe - how to cook roveja peas (well, the other legumes too)

Before I'd like to tell you what is roveja (or robiglio). I bought it by accident in the Organic shop.

Roveja peas - an Italian variety of pea Pisum sativum, now almost forgotten, displaced  by modern varieties. But, as I have already remarked, there is a tendency to return to the roots, to the indigenous local varieties of vegetables and fruits, so things like roveja, black chickpeas, etc. can now be found on store shelves, and at the sellers in the market.

Roveja came to Italy from Central Asia, where was cultivated since Neolithic times. Roveja grown in Italy for many centuries, especially in its middle part - Abruzzo, Marche, Umbria. It is also called "meadow peas" or "shepherd peas." Roveja is low fat and it's rich of fiber, carbohydrates, phosphorus and potassium.

So, the proportions look at yourself as someone like more vegetables. someone less and more water. You will need :

  • roveja peas (or any other bean you like - lentils, beans, chickpeas)
  • kombu seaweed
  • onions
  • garlic
  • carrot
  • green celery
  • tomatoes (fresh or preserved)
  • hot peppers
  • olive oil, salt, pepper
So, first soak the peas with a piece of kombu in water, better for the night -  it shortens their cooking time. By the way, if you cook all the beans with kombu seaweed - it improves the taste and facilitates digestion of legumes. At the end, you can remove it from the pan.

I boil until roveja in a pressure cooker, for about half an hour. Then I open the lid, add prepared vegetables, salt, pepper and cook another 30-45 minutes. You can not prepare in vegetables, but put them all in a pressure cooker.

To prepare vegetables:

Chop the onion and garlic. Fry them until golden brown in olive oil. Then add the chopped carrots and cook for a little bit.

 Next in line is celery (I usually freeze it, then it is always ready) and hot peppers

Now add the tomatoes. If you like you can peel them

When vegetables are ready add them to the roveja, put salt and black pepper, and simmer in pressure cooker for about 30-40 min.

Bon Appetit)