Friday, April 24, 2015

Sea fotoshooting with new white t-shirts

Finally the sunny and warm weather arrived! I waited too long this weather, because I have a lot of white t-shirts to make photos and better way to have the best photos of them is go to the see) What can be better the sea view and girl in white. It remind something about sunny summer, yachts at the harbor, time on the beach...
So, this Saturday the weather was perfect and we went to make photos. I've already made a trip around the town to see best locations.

Of course, how can finish so nice sunny morning? Eating in the air in one of the seaside restaurants))

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy April

This month was very busy so I completely forgot to post you something nice( 
Thats why Happy April!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

New season - New colors of doilies

There are other spring colors I hand dyed recently, as I promiced on previous article))
Yellow orange or Aztec gold
Coral red

 Light green
Mint green
All other doilies and colors you can find in my Etsy shop