Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jerusalem artichoke patties

You will need 2 servings
300g Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur)
100 g zucchini (one small)
1 small onion
1 small carrot
20 ml of olive oil
1 egg
50-100g flour

Here you can find a Wholegrain pasta with topinambur, zucchini e walnuts recipe. This is another recipe, easy to make and very tasty. The taste of topinambur is similar to artichokes and potatoes at the same time, very gentle. 
Let’s begin! Clean topinamburs - peel the skin thoroughly, otherwise there will be undercooked pieces. Cut into medium pieces and put them to boil until tender, about 30 minutes. Almost at the end add zucchini.  
Clean and finely chop the onion and carrot. Fry them on low heat. When topinambur is cooked grind it in the food processor, adding other vegetables. Pulse until it becomes a paste and everything is well combined. Mix vegetables with 1 egg in a bowl. Then add flour because with egg dough will be too liquid. If you see that 100gr of flour is not enough add some more. 
Fry on medium or low heat. Cook one side then flip and brown the other side.  Only takes a about 3-5 of minutes on each side.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Work wardrobe outfits

What is the secret of looking chic and ladylike at work?  The secret to really chic style isn't really a secret: it's a formula — a set of tried-and-true essentials that can be worn and worn again, no matter the season or the year. Invest in quality pieces that you’re going to wear or use regularly—especially shoes and bags. 
I found some work wear wardrobe essentials that would be great for this year - they are anything but basic, just a touch special details or color.

Bright yellow blazer is going ideally with white shirt and black pencil skirt. Complete the look by adding some green detais

Mix classic office grey with bright spring coral or mint green accessories
Add some turquoise on grey background

Classic black and white combination, but how freshier it seems with some fuchsia accessories

We see a black wrap belted coat worn a top burgundy slouchy top. The top will look pretty sweet styled with checkered pale grey pants. Complete the look by adding burgundy bag and pumps

Another burgundy outfit

Go for a black sleeveless top and pair it with floral pale pencil skirt and white tuxedo blazer:

Retro inspired look is made of dotted beige top and  brown pants

Other beige outfit  - timelessly chic

Simple and elegant? -  go for a burnt orange blouse instead of beige one

If you want to be more femminine or just need to go elsewhere after work these looks will be perfect

Another stunning but classic look navy blue and white with red touch. 

I adore this wrap knitted cape, it will remind you about home

Friday, May 6, 2016

Wholegrain pasta with topinambur, zucchini e walnuts recipe

Uh, the name of this recipe is too long, but it's very simple to cook)) Actually, I used wholegrain farro pasta or emmer (farro dicocco), but it would be even longer to write it in the title)) In general, the you can choose pasta as you want.

You will need 2 servings

  •  130-150 grams of pasta, depending on your appetite)
  • 400g Jerusalem artichoke (topinambur)
  • 200-250 g zucchini
  • 1 medium onion
  • 60 g of crushed walnuts
  • 20 ml of olive oil
  • 50g grated pecorino romano cheese
  • salt

Jerusalem artichoke has many names - sunchoke, sunroot, earth apple, but in Italy we call it topinambur. For myself I have discovered it recently. I started to look for recipes and I tried different ones. I can say that this recipe is my own creation)) Ahead you will find another recipe of burgers made of Jerusalem artichokes and some vegetables, but I will write about it next time. The Taste is similar to artichokes and potatoes at the same time, very gentle. 

So, it is necessary to clean topinamburs -  peel the skin thoroughly, otherwise there will be undercooked pieces. Cut into medium pieces and put them to boil. It needs not less than half an hour too cook, pierce it with a fork from time to time. 
Lets prepare the cream - clean and finely chop the onion. Fry it on a low heat until soft. Zucchini should be cut into thin strips. Add them to the onion.

In a separate small pot fry the walnuts with olive oil and then add to the pot with zucchini and onions. When the topinambur is cooked, remove it with a slotted spoon and put pasta into the same cooking water. Topinambur you need to grind in a blender into cream and mix with zucchini, onions and walnuts.

Now you can turn off the fire under them and wait for the pasta.

Of course, you can boil pasta in a separate pot, it will be faster, but in topinambur cooking water pasta will be tastier) a little secret)

When pasta is al dente, drain,  and mix it with the cream. Sprinkle with the  pecorino romano before serving. 

Bon Appetit!