Monday, March 22, 2010

EURO WEEK 2010 on Etsy!!!

This week Etsy has the spotlight on Europe! We'll be celebrating the European art and artists of Etsy, and the event is called Euro Week.
From March 22 through March 27, 2010 I will offer FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE e for all the items in my Etsy Shop!!!!
Don't miss the opportunity!

Questa settimna Etsy ha
proiettore su Europa! Noi celebreremo arte e artisti europei di Etsy, e questo evento si chiama Euro Week.
Dal 22 Marzo al 27 Marzo Io propongo SPEDIZIONE GRATIS IN TUTTO IL MONDO e per tutti i capi di mio negozio Etsy!!!! Non perdete l'occasione!


  1. Спасибо за приятные комментарии в блоге! Я люблю ваши фотографии!

  2. hi thanks for stoppping by my blog ...i have a suggestion for all the people who don't know Italian ...put the Goggle translate button at the top of your blog makes it easier to connect with peope from all over...have a great week the corsets...i love anything strapless...i am also designing some strapless beach dresses...suzanne

  3. AlexyRouse94 i really like that you wrote in russian!
