Thursday, March 18, 2010

My experience in Tablet Weaving

When i started to participate in historical festivals and Role-playing games, appeared the necessity in belts authentic and beautiful ribbon for hairs. Than I decided to study Tablet weaving. Tablet weaving is used from beginning of our age and up to a new time. Vikings and anglo-saxons were made ribbon with interesting and beautiful textures. Ribbon were using for dressing clothes, belts and etc. Tablet is squared with four holes in every angle. Originals tablets were made from bones or wood, but I made from carton. Through every hole runs a thread. Can use wool thread, in this case ribbon will be thicker, and can use silk, linen, cotton and also synthetics thread. There is special program that help to made ribbon with specific design. Nobody of friends of mine knew tablet weaving before, that’s why I had to study by myself, learning all information’s by Internet. First cm. were bad – threads were interlacing, tablets were falling out from my hands, were must dissolve a few time, but later everything has gone well. Now all my “masterpieces” can be founded in all Russia, and remains in my hands only several ribbons.

Quando ho cominciato a partecipare ai festival storici e Role-playing game, è venuta la necessità di cinture autentiche e belle fettucce per i capelli. Allora ho deciso di studiare T
ablet weaving (tessitura con i cartoni). La tessitura con i cartoni si usa dall’inizio della nostra era e fino al nuovo tempo. I vichinghi e gli anglo-sassoni facevano con questo metodo le fettucce con intrecciature interessanti e belle. La fettuccia si usava per decorare abbigliamento, cinture e etc. Il cartone è quadrato con quattro buchi in angoli. Gli originali si facevano di osso o di legno, ma io li ho fatto di cartone. Tra ogni buco del cartone si infila un filo. Si può usare lana, in questo caso la fettuccia sarà piu spessa, mentre si può usare anche seta, lino, cotone e persino filo sintetico. C’è il programma speciale che aiuta a creare la fettuccia con disegno particolare. Nessuno dei miei amici non sapeva tessere con cartoni, perciò mi è toccato a studiare da sola, apprendendo tutte le informazioni da Internet. I primi centimetri erano brutti – i fili si intrecciavano, i cartoni cadevano dalle mani, dovevo disfare alcune volte, ma dopo un po’ tutto è riuscito bene. Adesso i miei “capolavori” si trovano in tutta la Russia, mentre io ho solo un paio di fettucce.


  1. you woven belts?
    very nice work!!

  2. These are gorgeous! Is tablet weaving the same as card weaving? I have actually done card weaving. It's kind of addictive, once you get started, as the results are so satisfying!

  3. I think it's the same as card weaving. You are right - satisfaction when you see it finished is great!
