Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summer short necklace AZURE FANTAZY

Even thousands of years ago people began to wear necklaces. In popularity necklaces were ahead of any other type of jewelry. Necklaces were made not only from natural stones, but also from shell, bones, wood and bronze. If the necklace worn man, it symbolized wealth and position in society, and if the woman it symbolized also the beauty and fertility.

My collection of fabric jewelry has new addition: Summer short necklace Azure Fantazy.
This Italian silk fabric in a shades of azure, dark blue, white and fuchsia so inspires me! This necklace gives feel of summer breeze near the sea. I really love this fabric and you'll see many other additions of AZURE FANTAZY collection!
Mia collezione di biju di stoffa ha la nuova addizione: Collana corta estiva Azure Fantazy.
Questa seta in tonalità azzurra, blu, bianco e fucsia mi ispira tanto!
Mi piace molto questa stoffa e voi vedrete molte altre creazioni a collezione AZURE FANTAZY!