Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My new creations - silk covered necklaces and bracelets

Today I present My new creations - silk covered necklaces and bracelets.
The spring is finally here – shining sun, warm weather, on my balcony began to grow gladiolus, lily and freesia. My soul is singing and I decide to create something particular for the summer. So here find my freshly made pretties:

Oggi vi presento le mie nuove creazioni - collane e braciali di seta. La primavera e' finalmente arrivata - il sole splende, fa caldo, su il mio balcone cominciano crescere gladioli, gigli e fresii. Mia anima sta cantando e ho deciso di creare qualcosa particolare per estate. Ecco qua stanno i miei ultimi creazioni:

Necklace and bracelet Azure fantasy

Necklace and bracelet Pink fantasy

Necklace and bracelet Gray roses

The great thing is that THERE is ties in the back so you can adjust the length whatever you would like! They're already in my Etsy shop and are just waiting for their new owner!

Indietro c'e' il nodo - cosi tu puoi aggiustare la lungezza come vuoi! Sono gia in mio Etsy shop e gia aspettano il suo nouvo propritario!


  1. Hello!
    Thank you for your comment in my blog!

    I like your work! It's very beautiful. Your bags are very nice! Congratulation!!

    I'm sorry, I don't speak in english very well.:)

  2. Very unusual and lovely necklace and bracelet set - so creative.

  3. Hello Ekaterini,
    vielen Dank für Deine nette Worte!
    Ich bin von Deiner Arbeiten begeistert, die Taschen sind wirklich hübsch und die Ketten sehr originell und wunderschön!
