Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer necklace LAVANDER

Last month I was in Russia and I passed exams for my postgraduate studies. You can congratulate me, because I got the highest mark! That's why I haven't had a time for anything more.
I maked a lot of new necklace and as I promised in this post I'm beginning to write about it. The first necklace I named LAVANDER, it's very colorful and brightly. It's beautiful summer necklace in a shades of fuchsia, lavander, yellow and white. Bright colors perfectly go together. This colorful necklace immediately livens your mood!

Il mese scorso sono stata in Russia e ho superato gli esami per il dottorato di ricerca. Potete congratularvi con me! ))), perché ho ottenuto il punteggio più elevato! Ecco perché non ho avuto tempo per altro.
Ho fatto molte nuove collane e come ho pro
messo in questo post sto cominciando a scrivere su di loro. La prima collana l'ho chiamata LAVANDER, ma è molto colorata e luminosa. E' una bella collana estiva nelle tonalità fucsia, lavanda, gialla e bianca.


  1. Congratulations on getting the highest mark on your exams! Wow!!

  2. Congratulations on passing the exams!!! Yahooooo!

    Such a beautiful piece of art. My favorite colors!

  3. I love the beautiful colors in your necklace!
