Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Etsy Promo Love first summer online catalogue

I'm a member of Etsy Promo Love. It's a Facebook group for promoting handmade items and discovering new crafters. In my previous post: Big Giveaway with Etsy Promo Love you can read about Big Giveaway and can win many beautiful item.
The first Etsy Promo Love online catalogue are featuring some of most active members of the group and my Patchwork Bag CINNAMON was included there!

Sono membro di
Etsy Promo Love. E' Facebook gruppo per promozione capi artigianali e scoprire nuovi talenti. In mio post precedente potete leggere di Big Giveaway con Etsy Promo Love e potete vincere molti belli capi.
Il primo Etsy Promo Love catalogo online rappresenta alcuni piu attivi membri di gruppo e la mia Borsa CINNAMON era inclusa!


  1. Congrats! :) Its a beautiful bag and very cool catalog too! :)

  2. I checked it out! Great secetion of item there! Congrats!
