Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wall hanging organizer Sunny Day

My acquaintance asks me to make a wall hanging organizer with pockets and appliques for make a gift for the birth of friend’s child. I think it will be great gift! Thes pockets will hold a lot of small items in one place! Both functional and attractive!
Appliques are like a child drawn pictures – the sun, the trees, the cars, the train. We decided to make it from a felt of different colours and sew it with buttonhole stitch. At the top we placed the sun with the rays and the clouds, then several layers of the pockets with the train, the cars, the cat and the fence, the cameo-shell and the grass. I prepared a sketch in the program CorelDraw, than draw the pattern of parts in life-size on the paper. I spent a whole week to make this panel, but the result exceeded all expectative! The combination of different textures: fabric, felt, leather gives to the panel freshness and originality.

Una mia conoscente mi ha chiesto di fare un pannello con le tasche ed applicazioni che doveva regalare ad una sua amica che doveva partorire. Le applicazioni devono essere fatte come se fossero disegnate da un bambino – il sole, gli alberi, le macchine, il treno. Abbiamo deciso di farle di feltro di diversi colori e cucirle con punto a occhiello. In alto abbiamo deciso di mettere il sole con i raggi e le nuvole, sotto, a livelli diversi, delle tasche con il treno, le macchine, il gatto e la recinzione, le lumache e l’erba. Ho preparato la schema in programma CorelDraw e poi ho fatto modelli di applicazioni a grandezza naturale di carta. Ho trascorso una settimana intera per fare questo pannello, ma il risultato ha superato ogni aspettativa! La combinazione di diverse strutture esterne: tessuto, feltro e pelle da freschezza e originalità al pannello.


  1. Such a beautiful applique! I didn't know you could do that!

  2. The applique is just amazing! I bet it will look cool in a boy's room:)

  3. saw you on etsy, cute blog! Love your pretties!

  4. sweet and lovely ! It's really weel made you must worked on it a lot!!! but the result is really pretty!!

  5. what nice !! ...long time ago I worked a lot with fabrics ...patchwork, quilting ... I still like it ...maybe once I'll make another piece , I've something in my mind ...but time

  6. this is super-cute!! your friend's child will love it, I am sure!!

  7. This is so beautiful and detailed! Lovely! I am sure he will just love it!
