Monday, July 26, 2010

Flowering basil

Anyone seen a blossoming basil? I do not see too! But now one of two basil on my balcony began to blossom. It was great surprise for me because I didn't know that it can blossom. Now I love basil not only for the aromatic leaves, but for the delicate white flowers.
Today I read online that basil is the second sacred plant in India, and that it useful not only as aromatic seasoning for cooking, but also helpful as a remedy for many diseases.

Qualcuno ha visto come fiorisce il basilico? Anche io non ho visto! Ma uno tra due piante di basilico sul mio balcone ha cominciato di fiorire. Questo era grande sorpresa per me perche non lo sapevo che puo fiorire. Adesso mi piace basilico non solo per le sue foglie aromatiche, ma anche per sue
fiori bianchi e delicati.
Oggi ho letto online che basilico è la seconda pianta sacra in India, e che utile non solo come
condimento aromatico per cucinare, ma anche utile come rimedio per molte malattie.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Feature seller - interview with Socksandmittens

Today's feature is a mother and daughter team, Socksandmittens. When I came across their store here on Etsy I fell in love with the classic styles and wonderful colors of their knitted items! Tanya from Socksandmittens sat down with us today to share her vision of creative process.

- How did you find Etsy? How long have you been selling on Etsy?

I have been a member of a several Yahoo stitching groups, so someone mentioned Etsy once and I was curious to see what is there.
Everything in our store is hand knit by my mother, Valentyna
, who moved in with us last year. Since she has been an avid knitter all her life, we thought she might like the idea of knitting & selling the items she makes. That's how our shop was born and we are going to celebrate our 1 year Anniversary this August!
- How did you choose the name for your Etsy Shop?

At first it was really hard to find a right name for the shop. Hundreds of papers with project ideas went into trash! But then we thought about the good old times, when life was simple and people were naming their businesses after their products. So we decided to name our little shop after the majority of goods we are selling, socks and mittens.

- How long have you been creating?
Valentyna is self taught and has been knitting non stop for over 50 years. She was born in Ukraine right before the World War II. As a child she was working hard to help her big family to survive all the difficulties of war period and first yea
rs of recovery. This made her very handy – I think she is still able to accomplish any project in any field!

- What are your main sources of inspiration?

Our inspiration is coming from nature with all it's bright colors and changing of seasons. Isn't it funny, how quickly you are hiding your favorite summer outfits back in the closet as soon as temperature drops and the air is nippy. You instantly reach for the warmer comfort clothing! These warm & colorful gloves, mittens and socks are making our lives a bit more cozy and brightening the gray chilly days.- What is the best reaction you have gotten from one of your pieces?
We had a lovely customer who placed a custom order for fingerless gloves with us once. She liked them so much that she ordered another pair. Shortly after that then another one for her boyfriend. Later she ordered a couple of more pairs for her friends, as a Holidays gifts. Isn’t it inspiring?
- Your message for all of us?
Creating and selling are two different things. You must plan for the ups & downs. Find your own niche and enjoy your creativity! Don’t get upset when you don’t have any sales yet, it will come!
There is a season for everything.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Featured seller - interview with FunEmbroidery

I'm happy to introduce series of interviews from the great Etsy Promo Love Team members. Today I’d like to present you my friend Lana from New York.
She has two stores on Etsy: and
Now we would talk about FunEmbroidery.

1. How did you choose the lovely name for your Etsy Shop?
I choose “FunEmbroidery” name for my store, because all items which are presented in the shop are have been made for fun and pleasure.
This is my second shop. Main shop is
2.How would you describe your style? Have any other artists etc.
influenced your style?
I never tried to have been influenced by any artists. I I was always aiming to be myself and tried to make exclusively unique pieces. Also, I am tryin
g to make unique quality items, which could bring complete satisfaction to the clientele.

3.What is one thing about your creative process that you think most
people don't know?
Some people think that the process of creation is hard. In the reality, I work with pleasure, and, for me, it is like playing with toys and having fun.

4. Do you have a favorite item you have made?

All my items are favorable to me. I make all my items with love. It is impossible to accomplish desired quality without sincere love to the feature. One of the latest favorite pieces is “Telephone bag”.

5. What is the best reaction you have gotten from one of your pieces?

I have been awarded with 15 International Awards for my designs and embroidery. One of the pieces, which has been awarded is Embroidered Greeting Card “Butterfly”

6. Your message for all of us?

Please, make sure you are enjoying what you are doing.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Earrings SEA WAVES

Here are my latest creations - Earrings SEA WAVES Purple tones, earrings SEA WAVES Green tones and earrings SEA WAVES with tassels. This earrings are new addition to my SEA WAVES collection of textile jewelry. I like this fabric and I called it Sea Waves because It has so many shades and so chatoyancy. That's why It's possible to create so many different earrings.
Qua sono due mie ultime creazioni - Orecchini
SEA WAVES Purple tones, earrings SEA WAVES Green tones e earrings SEA WAVES with tassels. Questi orecchini sono nuova addizione alla collezione SEA WAVES di bigiotteria di stoffa. Mi piace questa stoffa e l'ho chiamata Onde di Mare perche ce l'ha tante tonalità e sfumature come il mare. Perciò è possibile di creare tanti orecchini veramente diversi!

Earrings SEA WAVES Purple tones and earrings SEA WAVES Green tones are in a shades of cadet grey, red violet, iceberg blue and green. Now you can matching wonderful set with short necklace or long necklace.
Orecchini SEA WAVES Purple tones e orecchini SEA WAVES Green tones sono in tonalità di griggio, viola, bliastro e verde. Adesso puo abbinarli con collana corta o collana lunga.

SEA WAVES Gunmetal have swaying tassels of gunmetal chain that add length and movement.
SEA WAVES Gunmetal hanno le nappe ondeggianti di catene di colore gunmetal che aggiungono la lunghezza e il movimento.

You can find it in special section: Fabric jewelry