Monday, July 26, 2010

Flowering basil

Anyone seen a blossoming basil? I do not see too! But now one of two basil on my balcony began to blossom. It was great surprise for me because I didn't know that it can blossom. Now I love basil not only for the aromatic leaves, but for the delicate white flowers.
Today I read online that basil is the second sacred plant in India, and that it useful not only as aromatic seasoning for cooking, but also helpful as a remedy for many diseases.

Qualcuno ha visto come fiorisce il basilico? Anche io non ho visto! Ma uno tra due piante di basilico sul mio balcone ha cominciato di fiorire. Questo era grande sorpresa per me perche non lo sapevo che puo fiorire. Adesso mi piace basilico non solo per le sue foglie aromatiche, ma anche per sue
fiori bianchi e delicati.
Oggi ho letto online che basilico è la seconda pianta sacra in India, e che utile non solo come
condimento aromatico per cucinare, ma anche utile come rimedio per molte malattie.


  1. I didn't see a blooming basil before, though had it in my garden for a while. I guess it got eaten before it got chance to bloom :) Nice post, Katryn!

  2. WOW! I've never seen blooming basil.

  3. It is pretty, but sadly you need to cut the flowers off or your leaves will begin to get a bitter taste...

  4. Great post - I have never seen a basil plant bloom before either - it's really pretty and I bet it smells wonderful!

  5. I LOVE the smell of basil! Probably in my top 10 favourite smells. Unfortunately I can't keep plants alive very well, so I don't get to enjoy the smell in my home.

  6. ciao,complimenti per il blog...volevo però dirti che quando il basilico fiorisce (i contadini della mia zona dicono che "và in castello") non è più tanto buono da mangiare..ciao ciao e buona serata

  7. Great shots! I've never actually seen them flowering!

  8. I have seen blooming basil, but I recall reading that you should pinch those blossoms off if you intend to the harvest the leaves as they'll weaken the flavor.

  9. grazie per il consiglio! Ho tagliato tutti i fiori
