Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fox in our beach house

Last sunday in the yard of our beach house, we saw... the fox! It was eating figs, and it was so scraggy. So we gave some meat for it. We were lucky. We hade some ground meat at home since we planed to make pizza with our friends. It's really strange to see a fox there. We live in a crouded place, in the center of beach village near the sea. It was not afraid of people, and it eated the meat with no rush very close to us. So I made some very close photos of the fox.
L'altra domenica nel cortile della nostra casa al mare abbiamo visto... la volpe! Era tanto magra ed affamata che mangiava i fichi! Così abbiamo deciso di portarle un po' di carne. Ieri siamo andati per fare le pizze con degli amici e abbiamo comprato un po' di carne tritata per la volpe. E' molto strano vedere la volpe là: in un posto pieno di gente, nel centro di un villaggio di mare. Non aveva paura della gente ed ha mangiato la carne senza fretta molto vicino da noi. Per questo ho potuto fare le foto della volpe da molto vicino.

And other photo with me making pizza) This week I'll prepare the post about it with recipe.
Don't be afraid - it's easy)
Ecco un'altra foto - di come io faccio la pizza) Questa settimana preparerò il post di come fare la pizza con ricetta. Non avete paura - è facile)


  1. interesting!:)
    love your photo with pizza!:)

  2. Wow! Such a story!
    Very cute foxy!

  3. Thank you) Hope you will like my next post with pizza recipe)

  4. That fox didn't look too hot. I wonder why it chooses to stay amongst humans.

  5. I had no idea the fox can eat figs! Yea, I agree with previous comment, the fox looks very poor, must be very hungry. Cool story overall :)

  6. what an interesting story! and yes, this fox looks very skinny. poor thing

  7. Poor thing! It looks so skinny! Good thing you bought some meat for her/him!

  8. Yesterday it came again and eated some pasta and meat. This fox goes to eat always the same time ))

  9. Awww, poor thing. =( It's cute though, even with it being so skinny.

    You should give him a name. ;)

  10. Unfortunatly, two days ago this fox died under the wheels of a car on the road( I saw today the rests...
