Thursday, October 28, 2010

New autumn leather pendant

Through window I see green leafs and the weather is warm becouse I'm living in the South Italy. But I miss autumn with gold leafs of oak, maple, birch...
Inspired by golden fall I made this oak leafs pendant from orange recycled leather and reused beads:

6 коммент.:

SleightGirl said...

That's awesome! So chic and original.

SocksAndMittens said...

I love your new pendant, so pretty!

Unknown said...

I love your leather leaves. It must be nice to make a symbol of your missing fall in Italy.

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

These are really pretty :)

Very jealous you are living in Italy :)

Have a lovely evening T. :)

Anonymous said...

Katrin, I hear you. Not seeing the actual fall is a little frustrating especially if you are so used to it... Great pendant! Beautiful color. Good job!

donkey and the carrot said...

HI KATRIN!!! you are on my donkey!


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