Friday, November 19, 2010

Feature seller - interview with LittleGrayFox

Today I present you my new featured seller - LittleGrayFox

1. Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Tsuki Fox and I’m a craft-a-holic. Sometimes I have trouble sticking with one project! I work a 9-5 job as an escrow assistant. It’s not really my passion, more of a paycheck, but I can’t complain.

2. What do you love about where you live?
I live just outside of Seattle, WA. Specifically, my neighborhood is quiet and peaceful and I love it. Generally, WA State is a great place to live! There are lots of fun activities to do and plenty of different places to visit. A lot of transplants can’t stand the gray weather, but it really doesn’t rain as much as you see in movies or TV. You just have to remember that all that rain is the reason why we have the nickname of the Emerald City…lush green landscapes!

3. Is your shop a business or a hobby?
I consider it to be a hobby. Unfortunately, I have to run it like a business since I was required to get a business license a couple of years ago. So now I’m trying to get it to be a successful one. I’ll let you know how that turns out ;)

4. How did you get started on Etsy?
I actually started as a buyer about 4 years ago. I had heard about it from a friend and back then it was a great place for all handmade items. Now, with vintage and supplies, it’s even better! I try to buy most of my supplies from other Etsy sellers…keep it in the family, yo!

5. What are you working on right now?
I’m feverishly working on holiday items, ornaments and brooches. I have a craft show in two days and I’m very behind on my work!

6. How did you choose your craft medium?
I chose polymer clay on a whim. It was over 10 years ago. I was bored and looking for a hobby. During a trip to the local craft store, I discovered polymer clay. With embroidery, I used to actually do it for fun when I was a kid, around 6 and seven. I would work on embroidery hoops with my step-mom at the time. I had stopped for several years and just picked it back up a couple years ago.

7. When you’re not working on your crafts, how do you like to spend your time?
I love photography. That is something I hope to continue to learn and grow with. I’m always taking photos either with my camera or my phone. I’ve had cameras for as long as I can remember. I still have pics I took when I was 8 years old! My dream is to one day make that my main income. Who knows if it will work out, but I’m having fun with it for now!
8. Where we can find you?
Name: Tsuki Fox aka LittleGrayFox
Etsy Shop:


  1. Thank you!! I just realized I wrote "6" instead of "4" years! I don't think Etsy's even been around that long :)

  2. this is so awesome. love this shop! great feature!
