Thursday, February 24, 2011

Crochet lesson

Last time I like crochet. I don't know why )) Last time I made something crochet was 10 years ago. I began from making two crochet scarves.   

Now I'm searching in internet and through blogs to find lessons and tutorials about crochet. I found one interesting lesson -  How to crochet Shell stitch. It's simple and easy to understand lesson about crochet. Thank you for sharing!

When I will return in Italy I will necessary try to make new scarf with this technique. Or maybe something bigger? A little top?


  1. Katrin! I love your scarves! You should open new crochet store!

  2. Love Katrine's art work! Pictures are so positive too!

  3. beautiful scarves!!! I'm trying to teaching myself to crochet too in this priod and I found that You tube has millions of video tutorials about crochet and this is great!!! I'm enjoying sooo much learning to crochet!!!

  4. I love your scarves! I didn't know you knew how to crochet before I saw those pictures! I'm probably gonna order a scarf from you, just so you know :)

  5. Happybee, Yes, I found many tutorials in Youtube too)
    Alecia, I'm happy that you like my scarves) My friends in Russia already asked me)

  6. WOW! The pattern is great :) I wish I can do it :)
