Friday, April 22, 2011

Cream earrigns with red beads on Etsy First page!

When I saw first time this collection I thinked I will be on the first page of Etsy. And It was there - "Red in White" treasury collection made by Russian artists team member Natalia HansHolzkopf! And my Cream earrings with red beads was featured with this amazing collection on the First page of Etsy! This treasury is so romantic and completely unique with this splashes of red in white! Thank you, curator and congratulations all featured handmade artists!


  1. It made ​​me very happy to see my crochet object on the front page! thank you!

  2. it was wonderful treasury! and I was there too!

  3. Thank you so much for your post!
    Beautiful earrings!!!!!!!!

  4. Thank you for including us! xo

    Bailey Doesn't Bark
