Sunday, October 2, 2011


Today I share with you last photos from my vacance in Alpes. This is Solden - small town in Austria near Rombo pass, but big ski center in winter. I saw also many ropeways working and we decided to lift to 3000 m. 
There was a little cold but the panorama was so beautiful you stop to breath!!!

 This is the first stage of descent, but we wasn't equiped for this... You can feed giddy...
We descent to next stop of ropeway at 2500m and here began our trip down in Solden.
Cows was everywere)
Some beautiful photos of nature
 There was so many wild raspberries that I never seen! I ate a lot)

The second trip in Solden was by car. It's famous Ötztaler Gletscherstraße - Ice road that raise on 2800m and lead to the gletchers.

You can also touch it!!! It's amazing feeling when you touch the gletcher that has thousands of years!


  1. Great panorama! The best way to climb up mountains is by chairlift or ropeway ;)

  2. Looks like you guys had a great trip! Love the pics :)

  3. Yes, it was great trip and Solden was the best place we saw!

  4. WOW! This is amazing place. I wanna go there!!!

  5. Very interesting! And great photos! Thank you!

  6. Awesome view! And reminds me, we really should go out to mountains more!
