Monday, January 9, 2012

Cristmas gift exchange on Etsy Russian Team

Today I wwant to write about a gift from my secret Santa! We make this game in Etsy Russian team and I always with impatience wait my gift.  My Santa was Natalka from (Skrynka) and (Recomputing)
I got a amazing calendar with views of gardens which I immediately hang in kitchen. Also there was amazing handembroidered pendant and key fob made from circuite. Maybe she known that I'm computer ingigeer) 

Thank yovery much for thesу gifts and Happy Holidays!!!


  1. Great gifts! You are one lucky girl :)

  2. what a lovely gifts, congratulations! Isn't it fun to participate in this type of events?

  3. I'm happy you like it! I was worry about, it was my first time as Secret Santa

  4. Amazing gifts especially the calendar. Hopefully with this upcoming holidays you will receive another great gifts.

    Russian love
