Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tutorials for fabric beads and fabric flower earrings

Many time people asked me to make a tutorial for fabric beads, that I use in my jewelry:

Finally I found a time to write two tutorials: Fabric bead, Fabric flower earrings

They are wonderful, every bead will be different! You can also decorate bead with seed beads. With these fabric beads you can create not only necklaces and earrings but use them for bobby pins, brooches... 
Don't limit your imagination, combine colors and fabrics! 
If you already have  many scraps, why not try making some fabric beads? You could make matching jewelry for outfits you sew.


  1. Bellissima l'idea dei tutorial! Con oggetti così deliziosi andranno a ruba!

  2. What a talent!!! These tutorials are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing. I have some darling fabric that I made a skirt from that are begging for matching jewelry, but I had no idea where to begin.

