Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fabric and crochet necklaces

Gone those days when fashion was dictated by some strict rules, obedience to which meant a good taste. Today absolutely everything is fashionable!  But no more restrictions, all the periods of the history of fashion are mixed now. You can wear an elegant dress with romantic Victorian elements of the late XIX century, or the futuristic suit, pants from the '70s or the feminine floral dress of 50th or mix all this together...
The same goes for accessories and jewelry. Any material, size, style – you can find here glass and wood, precious stones and various metals,  textiles and leather, knitting and beadwork. The combination of different materials and techniques in jewelry makes them unique, for example these necklaces made from  crochet and fabric beads:

The combination of these different textures and matherials makes these necklaces unique and special. Everyone who will see them, always want to touch them. And it is not surprising, because they look so original!

Tutorial for these wonderful necklaces is here.


  1. These are beautiful necklaces but I love the beige one the most. soft and pretty and could make almost any outfit glamorous! I hope there's a tutorial for this necklace! I really love it!

    Annabella MErlin
    Creative Photo Albums

  2. I'm preparing now a tutorial for this necklace)
