Friday, April 20, 2012

Fabric flowers for my hat

A few days ago I recieves felted floppy hat I ordered in Internet. But it was decorated with two fur balls I don't like. So I decided it's arrived a time to prove to make a fabric flowers tutorial!
The first - I gone in fabric shop and bought a few fabrics from cream color to dark brown. It should be polyester fabric: chiffon, organza, tulle or something similar.
Cut some circles of different diameter. They do not need to be exact or symmetrical at all.  For excample I cut 3 big circles from dark brown fabric, then a few smaller circles from brown fabric, then again smaller circles from milk chocolate fabric and a few circles of different diameter from cream fabric. I cut circles of  different diameter from cream fabric because I put them not only above but amidship of the flower.
Next step is to take a candle. Carefully burn edges of all circles. Remember to make this operation in well ventilated area.
Put all circles together on order you prefer. Choose some beads of suitable color. Take a thread and sew the center of flower 2-3 times. Take beads and sew beads in the center of the flower to decorate it.
These are perfect for a hair clip or a pretty pin for your jacket or purse.

These are my two flowers finished and sewn on the hat:
These are first I made in my life))