Monday, May 28, 2012

Rana Pescatrice al forno - Monkfish in the oven

Rana Pescatrice or Coda di Rospo (in English Monkfish, or Goosefish) is one of the ugliest fish you'll find in Italian markets. But it has delicious white meat and it’s great to make a soup.

In this recipe Monkfish is used whole with head to make a flavor more intensive. 
It’s a simple but very delicious recipe and It’s great for some fest of if you have guests at home.

You will need:
About 1 kg of Potatoes
0.5 kg of Tomatoes cherry
7-15 Olives
4-5 cloves of Garlic
2-3 tablespoons bread crumbs
5-6 tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese
A few basil leaves
Extra virgin Olive oil

I always buy Monkfish already scaled, so I don’t know how to scale it. If you don’t find whole Monkfish, but the tail ends it’s also OK.
Clean garlic and cut it in 2-3 pieces, cut tomatoes.
For the first clean and cut potatoes as shown. Mix well potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, olives, Olive oil and basil. Put a little of salt and pepper. I mix by hand so tomatoes make a little of sauce. Leave blend for half an hour. You can mix the blend from time to time.

At the time mix bread crumbs and grated parmesan. 
Put Monkfish in the form for the oven. I always use clayware form:
Put blend with potatoes around the fish. If the sauce is not enough – pour a little of water.
Dredge with mix of bread crumbs and grated parmesan
and put in the oven at 200º. Fish don’t need many time to cook so I try potatoes and when they are cooked and have a crust I determine that a time get out.

Clean fish before serve and put a piece with potatoes and sause in every plate. Or you can put portions in small caseroles and after other 5 minutes in oven bring them on the table.  You must admit that it most scenic))
Buono appetito!

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