Thursday, June 21, 2012

Saturday on the airshow

In early June, on Saturday we went to a small town 60 km from Brindisi to see the airshow. Of course so strong word is too much to call this event, but it was something interesting to see.

This is a team of four aircraft perfomed stunts and drew figures in the sky with smoke:

Then came flights of single aircrafts, they done terrible things in the air! Spinning in all directions, perform loop the loop, maked tailspin...

Then, along of the field flew paragliders appeared (maybe they call different) with the motor and against sunset they looked very nice. 

They liked me so much that I asked to be photographed with them when they landed. By the way, I'm the only one asked this))

Then there were the simple paratroopers, but they just have landed and did not make anything in air. I expected more... Well, at least to see stay one over another in flight ...
At the end of the evening the balloon was inflated and showed it in front of the audience. So, in the program was not promised that it will fly.

This stand of local producers: statoline bread baked in wooden oven, buns and all sorts of other goodies. By the way, we bought some and I can tell you it was yummy!

Tired and happy we got home at 10pm.