Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Interview with Irina & Eugenie Muminova

Today I'm happy to present you talented artists Irina & Eugenie Muminova. They have shop on Etsy called Mulberry Whisper. I'm fascinated with this shop, these patterns, these fabrics carry me away! I will necessary order some tunic for next summer! 

… Who needs a bed that cannot be used for sleeping, or a tea cup you cannot drink from? Who wants a dress that does not let you walk, or sit, or get out of a car? 
I believe that design should be functional. As a designer, I strive to serve the customers before serving my own ambitions and expressing myself. Rather, I combine the two purposes, but put customers first. I do not want them to be a walking advertisement for me at the cost of their comfort. Clothing should be comfortable and flattering; normally, it should not make the wearer look weird or funny. It should underline the person’s beauty, character and individuality. And I believe that every woman has the right to be and feel beautiful; it is not necessary to have model parameters to be attractive and self-confident. Beauty is not measured in inches. 

In my view, there are three main factors that should be taken into account when designing clothing: i) who are the customers; ii) what is the purpose of this clothing – for instance, where they will wear it to; and iii) what materials will be the best choice for these people and purposes. 
Materials are important. Noble fabrics stay noble after many years. Your grandmother’s silk dress, worn out and faded, is still beautiful, unlike an old plastic bag. That is why I always prefer working with natural fibres: they are alive; they have history and are always beautiful. 

For instance, I admire traditional Uzbek silk ikat fabrics; it is a great pleasure for me to design modern clothing from them. These silks serve as a medium to bring ancient traditions and skills into the modern world. Wearing a blouse made from hand woven silk with ethnic Uzbek patterns is a sheer pleasure. It is like carrying a piece of ancient culture of Central Asia with you, close to your skin. And it is a very pleasant sensation, for Uzbek silks are lovely to the touch. Linen and cotton are noble and beautiful, too, as are wool and cashmere. 

…Where to buy? Are brands important? 
In my opinion, a woman who has a character, history and individuality, does not necessarily have to buy brand name clothing only, based on current trends and advertisement. She can build her wardrobe to express herself without help from a stylist, combining brand name, no-name and handmade pieces as she likes. She can afford being different and stand out. As a rule, teenagers are more prone to follow the trends, but this is only normal for youth. They are searching for their image, looking at role models, trying and testing, before becoming more independent. It is very interesting to work with them, too, watching them choose and learn how to dress themselves. 

…Classics or avant garde? That depends on the personal taste, of course. I usually prefer classic designs, possibly with a modern edge, but not something which is so trendy today that it will become obsolete and ridiculous tomorrow. A simple item, such as a jacket by Armani or a dress by Chanel, remains relevant for many years to come. Like Parthenon or Aphrodite, I might say, only in fashion. 

Modern fashion is very diverse and provides lots of choices. Everyone can select clothing perfectly in line with her or his individual preferences. You just need to get the feeling for what you need and what makes you feel beautiful and confident. I wish you best of luck in this very exciting endeavour. 


  1. Dear Katrin, thank you very much for featuring us! My mother has never given an interview before, and this is her first experience. Not too bad :)

  2. Очень красивые вещи! Я являюсь счастливой обладательницей блузки из шелка которую сшила Ирина. Большое спасибо ! Очень приятная к телу. И действительно вещи необыкновенные по подборке ткани.

  3. I love the bold style of their clothing! Their scarves are very pretty!

  4. Ooohhh! So much beauty! and who doesn't love silk?! I think I'm gonna order me something pretty from her shop :)

  5. Рщw interesting! Thank you for sharing :)

  6. Thank you very much for your comments, all of you! I am so happy to be part of the handmade community, and this gives my mom this great opportunity to make things for people who appreciates them. Thank you!
