Sunday, October 14, 2012

Trip to Leipzig

This Saturday we visited Leipzig and Halle. There are too many photos so today I share with you only from Leipzig.
Street artist:
Monument to Goethe
Maneholes with emblem of Leipzig:
Town hall:
The Church, in which he played the organ, and in which Bach is buried
Monument to Bach:
We thought, why people are waiting there, we asked and it appeared that soon will be a organ concert. We put on notice and went on a walk again.
Monument to Mendelssohn

 Here we on a concert that appeared actually mass (actually do not know how this business called by protestants). Organ played at the beginning, then chorus sang, and then came priest and she (exactly sheread a sermon.
 Tomb of Bach


  1. Wow, this is gorgeous. I would love to visit Germany at this time of year, it is so beautiful.

  2. Looks like a great trip! Love the pictures....

  3. I'm jealous ^) I'd love to go there. Have a great trip!
