Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lentil soup recipe

Lentil soup is fast, filling, nutritious and thrifty. Lentils are inexpensive and packed with fiber and protein. This recipe is great for people who decided to keep the fast.

You will need:
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large onion, chopped finely
3 garlic cloves, minced
2-3 tomatoes
1 carrot
2-3 potatoes
½ cup of cream (facoltative)
2 cup of red lentils
1-1.5 l vegetable broth or water
fresh and dry mint

Peel potatoes, cut into medium pieces and put into a pan. Peel the carrot and chop it. In other pan fry chopped onion, carrot and garlic. When potatoes are half cooked add fried vegetables and tomatoes in pan. Put lentils and salt. Boil until soup is cooked. Put the mint and if you want put the cream. Pass the soup in blender.
Put in the plate and decorate with fresh mint.
Buon Appetito!


  1. I love lentil soup and enjoy trying new recipes--everyone makes it differently. Thanks for sharing your recipe; I'll definitely try it!
