Thursday, December 19, 2013

Felt Christmas tree ornament DIY

Today I 'll show you how I decorated my Christmas tree this year. I'm tired of the traditional sphers etc, so I searched in Internet for interesting ideas and stopped on decorations made out of felt. You can make them in many variations: with embroidery or without it, with crochet snowflake... The last one I liked most, so I 'll tell you how to make it. 

You will need:

  • piece of felt (which is not easier, sold by the meter )
  • Crochet thread (I used white and azure , as I love the combination of red and azure )
  • needle
  • scissors
  • button of flat
  • optional filler cushions

Let's start with the making a small snowflake, like this one:

And then cut two circles a couple of cm larger then snowflakes.

Make these loose stitches. Place the snowflake on top and sew it as shown, using previously made stitches. 

Make a few decorative stitches between the rays of the snowflake and sew a button in the center of it, now you can connect two circles. You can use simply forward stitch, or as I did use back stitch. You can fill in with a little amount of filler.
At the end make a loop :

That's what we got:
With embroidery and filled inside:

and stars

I hope you like them as I like and you decide to decorate the Christmas tree with these ornaments)