Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pillows with hand dyed crochet doilies

My mind is always full of ideas) Last 3 months I had internship so I absolutely didn't have a time to anything. But now, when it finished I immideately put my sewing machine on the table to realize what want. Here is the result. These are pillows with hand sewed crochet doilies, these hand dyed doilies I wrote about in my post before
Every pillow is more than a pillow, it is one of a kind piece of art and love!

All pillows you can find in special section

 purple Pillows

black and white Pillows

shabby chic ecru pillow

red and grey pillow

black and grey Pillow

blue and white pillow

orange and white pillow

black and grey Pillow

black and grey Pillow