Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How I cook Ratatouille in the oven

Ratatouille, as probably all you know from the cartoon, it's stewed vegetables. Its easy to prepare and delicious (and good for diet). There are many recipes you can find in Internet. IThis is my own recipe for Ratatouille, proved by my personal experience. I tried different recipes from the Internet and I have found for myself the most delicious version. Believe me - it's Yummy! I cook it in the oven and not in the pot. 

Unfortunately, I forgot to make intermediate photos, but I think from the photo of the final product you already want to taste it)) 

You will need: zucchini, eggplant, paprika, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and cheese sprinkled on top (I sprinkled, like all Italians parmesan), you can use also Provencal spices. 

To begin, chop onions, paprika and tomatoes (separately) and fry first onions, then add the paprika and at the end tomatoes. At this stage, add salt and spices. You've got the sauce, which we will later fill in vegetables. 

Slice vegetables, eggplant can be semi-round, or if they are very large - cut into quarters. The same is for the potatoes. Well, zucchini are small) 

Prepare an oven dish. Pour a little of the sauce on the bottom, then begin to put vegetables. This can be also done during preparing the sauce and yes, it is the longest part )) But I like how it looks in the end, so I do it. In course - eggplant, zucchini, potatoes, etc., in rows. If  somewhere remains some space, fill it in with some pieces. At the end pour sauce almost till the "roof" and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees until done. I can't tell you exact cooking time - I didn't noticed it.


  1. Looks very appetizing, definitely try to cook it. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. Looks like it is very easy to cook, with great results! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing the recipe, I will try it :)
