Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fried rice with vegetables and eggs

The other day I had some boiled rice. So I made ​​a dish that I like so much in the japanese and chinese restaurants - fried rice with vegetables and eggs. Usually you can take it with fish, chicken or other meats. I decided that since I'm on a diet, it will be without meat)) 

Fried rice is easy to  prepare and does not require much time. 

You will need: 

  • boiled rice, basmati rice is better, but any is ok - 350g for two portions - the rice should already be cold! 
  • 1 onion 
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • 1 carrot 
  • half or a quarter of a paprika 
  • green peas (I used frozen)
  • 2 eggs 
  • teriyaki sauce 
  • sesame seeds
  • oil, salt, pepper 

Better use, of course, wok, but I don't have it, so I used ordinary frying pan. 

Squeeze out the garlic and finely chop the onion, then fry them until onions became lightly golden and transparent. 

I pulverize carrot in a blender. You can cut it small pieces. Then add it into the pan. 

Then finely chop the paprika and add to the pan.  After a minute - put green peas. 

Add the rice and mix well. I also add a teriyaki sauce and sesame seeds. 

At this time, beat up two eggs, and fry them muddling constantly. 

Then add to the rice. 

That's all done! Bon appetit!

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