Friday, March 20, 2015

New season - New colors of doilies

I opened a new season with new color of hand dyed vintage doilies. Usually I need a time to collect doilies for one color bath because for most of the colors it needs about 1 kg of fabric to dye. But about month ago it happened that I bought a whole box of doilies!!! Of course there are not all perfect, some weren't beautiful, others were with holes, but there was a lot nice doilies)) The rest I send to my friend in Russia, she makes Eco boho clothing and home decor using doilies and embroideries. So finally I had a lot of doilies to hand dye many colors I dreamed before and to experiment with colors too))

There are some of new spring colors, and there will be others in the future))

Light pink

 Cerise pink

Tropical green

 Emerald green

 Light blue

All other doilies and colors you can find in my Etsy shop

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