Saturday, April 2, 2016

Food photoshooting for Acquapazza restaurant, Brindisi

I hope you understood from my previous posts that I became a food photographer. Couple of monthes ago my friend Vincenzo asked me if I can make photoshooting for his restaurant Acquapazza. Of course I said Yes))This is amazing small seafood restaurant situated in historical center of Brindisi and me and my friends often go to spend an evening with good food there. There are an open kitchen ad I like to admire how incredibly professional is the chef. I can say without any doubt it's the best restaurant of Brindisi.  Vincenzo family is one of Brindisi oldest family of fishermen so fish is fresh and fished every single day. 
Enjoy wonderful creation of chef captured on my photographies 
Forgot  this is the site of Acqupazza restaurant, where of course you can see my photos))

Chef in his kitchen...

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  1. What beautiful pictures, which no doubt become a decoration of the restaurant site.

  2. You are right)) Vincenzo asked to make these photos for a new site
