Monday, August 2, 2010

Surprise on the road

Yesterday when we was going to the beach the road has been crossed… by a flock of sheep! I had a feeling that we are not in Puglia, but in Abruzzo or in Alpi. In the beginning and at the end of flock was going two dogs shepherd maremmani-abruzzesi – big white dogs that looked exactly like sheeps. Near the flock was a shepherd-man with three german shepherds.

Ieri quando andavamo con lo scooter al mare la strada è stata attravesata… da un branco di pecore! Avevo il senso che siamo non in Puglia, ma in Abruzzo o nelle Alpi. All’inizio e alla fine del branco c’erano due pastori maremmani-abruzzesi – grandi cani bianchi, che sembravano altre pecore. Vicino alla testa del branco camminava il pastore accompagnato da tre cani pastori tedeschi.


  1. Sheep? Wow. I've only seen cows cross the road, never sheep though.

  2. Yes! It was big surprise for me too) Our region is turistic - sea, beaches... sheeps)

  3. Ahh, I would have love to see that, how fun and great pics to share!

  4. ok that doesnt happen anywhere clsoe to often here in ca :)

  5. why did the sheep cross the road?


  6. Reminds me of when I went to Australia; I've never seen so many sheep in my life!

  7. Excellent photos! I have had a heard of cows in my driveway more than once...yes I do live in the country...

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