Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New store and already on Etsy Front Page!

For long time I worked as Graphic Designer. I miss my work, I like to create some graphics and I hope it'll be useful for someone. That's why I decided to open a new store and now I'd like to present it - KarisaGraphic.
I opened it about two weeks ago and already one of my first digital collage sheet - Floral and swirls alphabet - was featured on Etsy Front Page in amazing treasury Subtlety created by BlueberryCream. Congrats BlueberryCream and the featured!

Featured artists:
GirlOnAVine, Yvgenia, LAccentNou, Jezek, HappyFrogFromAlaska, PastryGirls, Slinkymalinkicat, Beautyspot, Lightkeeping, Galafilc, Herbolution, WillowRockDesign, Cushyadornments, Kresponboutique, Justlena, KarisaGraphic


  1. Congratulations on your new store and making in the the front page! You must be excited! :D

  2. Congratulations! It's lovely work and definitely deserving of the attention :)

  3. Congrats on your first sale! man6y more to come!

  4. WOW! Congratulations :) That's really awesome.

    I'm now follofing your blog. When you have time, go check mine:

  5. Sounds like you're doing great. Congrats!

  6. Congratulations! You deserve to be on the front page! Your work is great!

  7. that's great congratulations!...*
