Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Adorable organza!

Some days ago I saw in the shop amazing irridescent organza. I couldn’t be able to turn off my eyes and bought all colours! When the ray of sun touch this organza these green, violet, purple, pink colors flare up with thousands of shimmery shades. This organza inspired me to the new creations for my summer collection of fabric jewelry.
Qualche giorno fa ho visto in negozio bellissima cangiante organza. Io non potevo togliere gli occhi e ho comprato tutti i colori! Queste tonalita verde, viola, purpureo, rosa gatteggiano sutto il sole in milla sfumature. Questa organza mi l'ha ispirata per le nuove creazioni per collezione estiva della bigiotteria textile.

Necklace and bracelet Fresh Berries

Necklace and bracelet Holiday Shimmer
Necklace and bracelet Purple Mist

Necklace and bracelet Morning Dream

4 коммент.:

Anonymous said...

I love the organza! So pretty. Beautiful choice and fabulous work. thanks for stopping by the blog. I'll be following.

donkey and the carrot said...

Hello gorgeous!!! Niceeeee!!!! I choose my favorite to post!

JennyTheArtist said...

this jewelry really is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Wow!! I love your work!!
And the bags are just amazing!!
I'm gonna add your link to my blog, hope that's ok... =)
Kisses from Portugal!


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