Lastly I made a lot of times this casserole, because it's light and easy to cook.
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- Broccoli, about 800gr
- 5 eggs
- 300 gr of greek yogurt
- 100-150gr if cheese you use for casserole (I used smoked scamorza)
- 1 glove of garlic
- salt and pepper
I don't boil broccoli before but cook it directly in oven, because in this way they are more tasty.
We need to prepare the sause - beat up eggs and then add the greek yogurt. It should be not directly from cooler. Meantime switch on the over on 175°C. You need a garlic press to crush garlic glove. Add crushed garlic into your sause and mix well. Add salt and pepper - small portion because the sause will reduce in the oven. Grate the cheese and mix with sause. Add a little of water if you want the sause to be more liquid.
Cut broccoli into florets and put them very tightly in casserole. Pour the sause over it . If you beated well eggs the sause will remain airy. Cook the casserole until broccoli will be ready - about 40-45min (try them with a fork to be sure)

2 коммент.:
обожааю запеканочки
Great recipe, it sounds so good for a light but still comfort food
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