I already wrote about Negroamaro Wine Festival before. It's big cultural and enogastronomic event, where local producers can exposure their wine, oil, beer and other products. You can taste a lot of things from not only from Puglia Region, but from all Italy, since this event became bigger every year. This year there were about 300.000 people visited Festival during 5 days. About 200 producers presented their products and the festival occupied all historic center of Brindisi. Every evening there were 3 concerts with free entrance and many small bands sounded on the small squares of the center.
If you want you can just walk but you should buy the Ticket to taste delicious food and wine. There are two types of ticket - drinks and foods or only drinks. Also you receive a wine glass with special small bag-pocket to hang on the neck and put the glass inside so you have your hands free to eat)).
This May I participated a photography course with famous Italian photographer Cosmo Laera. Our a final task of the course was really important - we became a official photographers of Negroamaro wine Festival 2015. As we were 12, Cosmo divided us in 4 groups with different tasks - portraits, food, concerts and exhibitors booths. I was assigned to the Food group because of my previous experience on food photography.
He explained me some new technics of street food photography and here you can have a look at the result. Hope you like it and with to visit Negroamaro Wine Festival next year )) So we can meet)
Dried meat and salami
Local fresh pasta. The grey color is because it's made from grano arso flour. Traditionally this flour was made from the bits of wheat that were left in the field after the harvest. The landowners would harvest the wheat and then burn off the stubbles that were left in the field, to be plowed under. But in that short period post-burning and pre-plowing, poor farm workers would hurry across the field, gathering the burnt remnants of wheat, which they would then grind into what was basically burnt flour.
Fast forward a few decades (or centuries) and no one is running out to the burnt fields anymore to augment their near-starvation serf diet. So what’s a chef to do? A few flour mills have been producing a newer version of farina grano arso, a type of toasted grano duro (duram wheat) flour that reproduces the nutty, smoky flavor of the original. Without the back breaking, stubble picking of course.
Orecchiette, which means ears, is local traditional whole wheat pasta. Traditionally cooked with cherry tomatoes and fresh cheese caccioricotta
Puddica - local type of focaccia with tomatoes, olives and acciughe
Some vegetable pate
Schiuma di mare - Sea foam, very small fish, that you can eat raw of marinated, fryed...
Tarallini are a type of baked South Italian snack that is similar to a pretzel or a circular biscuit, mostly savory, but can be sweet.
So cute cheese)
Calabrian hot spicy meat pate - nduja
Taste the oil with local whole wheat bred - yummy!
Sausiges and other meat delicious things
Different vegetables you can eat with meat.
There were restorant that made show cooking with enormours pan
Of course for my work I merited some glasses of wine and a plate of tasty spaghetti))
Street band
Top view of the central square
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
If you want you can just walk but you should buy the Ticket to taste delicious food and wine. There are two types of ticket - drinks and foods or only drinks. Also you receive a wine glass with special small bag-pocket to hang on the neck and put the glass inside so you have your hands free to eat)).
This May I participated a photography course with famous Italian photographer Cosmo Laera. Our a final task of the course was really important - we became a official photographers of Negroamaro wine Festival 2015. As we were 12, Cosmo divided us in 4 groups with different tasks - portraits, food, concerts and exhibitors booths. I was assigned to the Food group because of my previous experience on food photography.
He explained me some new technics of street food photography and here you can have a look at the result. Hope you like it and with to visit Negroamaro Wine Festival next year )) So we can meet)
Caramellized ham made by one local producer from the North Italy
Dried meat and salami
Local fresh pasta. The grey color is because it's made from grano arso flour. Traditionally this flour was made from the bits of wheat that were left in the field after the harvest. The landowners would harvest the wheat and then burn off the stubbles that were left in the field, to be plowed under. But in that short period post-burning and pre-plowing, poor farm workers would hurry across the field, gathering the burnt remnants of wheat, which they would then grind into what was basically burnt flour.
Fast forward a few decades (or centuries) and no one is running out to the burnt fields anymore to augment their near-starvation serf diet. So what’s a chef to do? A few flour mills have been producing a newer version of farina grano arso, a type of toasted grano duro (duram wheat) flour that reproduces the nutty, smoky flavor of the original. Without the back breaking, stubble picking of course.
Puddica - local type of focaccia with tomatoes, olives and acciughe
Focaccia with tomatoes and zicchini
Schiuma di mare - Sea foam, very small fish, that you can eat raw of marinated, fryed...
Tarallini are a type of baked South Italian snack that is similar to a pretzel or a circular biscuit, mostly savory, but can be sweet.
Taste the oil with local whole wheat bred - yummy!
There were restorant that made show cooking with enormours pan
Of course for my work I merited some glasses of wine and a plate of tasty spaghetti))
Of course there should be sweets!
Traditional sicilian sweets with sweet ricotta - cannoli
traditional Lecce sweets - pasticciotti
Traditional Salento dance - Pizzica