One, two, three, many eggs…

Handmade leather and fabric jewelry, many interesting DIY and recipes
I like very much all kind of needle and craft work, it seems like things made with your own hands fill your soul with warmth and home with a comfort... When I was teen I start to needlepoint frivolite, cross-stitch, crochet and knitting. But in a last time I like especially patchwork.
Patchwork or "pieced work" is a form of a needlework that appeared in England during the 17th century. It involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design. Fabrics at that time were very expensive, that’s why every piece was put into work. Patchwork quickly became very popular and now there are a lot of styles it, including my favourite stile “Spiral”. This particular technique gives room to imagination as small pieces of fabric assemble an inimitable design, that’s why every piece of work made in this style is very unique and original.
Why do I like Spiral style? It’s fast. And always the piece you make is very unique. Also it’s a great way to utilize scraps of fabric left over from sewing. You don’t even have to use the same type of fabric – say, you can combine cotton and wool.
For creating patchwork in Spiral style one can use pieces of fabric with colourful patterns or mono coloured ones. You have to start work in the centre, pin your pieces to the base fabric and sew them to each other, going clockwise. The fabric for the base could be any unused piece, since it won’t be seen in the final work. But if your final piece is going to be used as a pillowcase or cover, choose a thin fabric for a base, if it’s a bag or a potholder – use a thicker fabric.
Usually, the centre of the work has a light and bright coloured piece of fabric – say white or yellow. The size of pieces changes from very small in the centre to large on the edges. Fabric pieces are combined by colour using different ideas. For example, you can sew together light coloured pieces first, and after finishing a circle, use darker coloured ones, but in the same colour gamma (“colour stretching”). Sometimes contrast coloured pieces can be used next to each other. In any case, it is a good idea not to put
together pieces that are too close to each other by colour or pattern because they might destroy your composition by creating a large mono coloured spot. Are you interested in patchwork «Spiral» stile? In next post I’ll tell you how to make pillow for divan in this stile for decorate your sitting room.
This article you can see also here:
Last time corset is returning to moda – that says couturier! For me, young girl, can be only a pleasure. We all want to be fragile and vulnerable, but simultaneously elegant and womanly. Now new materials and technologies help us to create corsets. Modern corset seems very seductive, it’s distant from masochism of Middle Ages - permit to easily moving and don’t cause discomfort. Corset selected correctly, can reduce waist notice, has effect push-up, ably hide abdomen, help to support posture. Corsets it’s possible to wear as independently, as under a jacket or over a flimsy chemise, it’s combine well with jeans, pants and bouffant skirts. Simple corset perfectly look with classic suit instead a top or with maxi-skirt from dense silk.
Waist reducing atlas corset with lace
This several models was created and sewn by me, you can find corset more formal from fine wool, it’s well also for a work, another one young from tartan, or classic and elegant from atlas with lacework.
In one of next post i will tell of some secrets for sewn a corset: how to cut spiral bones, how to applying a busk and a bias type and etc.
Io ho sempre ammirato le donne del 19 secolo con la vita stretta e grandi crinolini. Di qua si è sviluppato il mio segreto desiderio – SI, anche io avrò il corsetto!
In quest’ultimo tempo il corsetto sta tornando di moda - cosi dicono i couturier! A me, giovane ragazza, non può altro che fare piacere. Noi tutte vogliamo essere fragili e protette, ma nello stesso tempo eleganti e femminili. Oggi nuovi materiali e tecnologie ci aiutano a creare i corsetti. Il corsetto moderno si presenta molto seducente, ma lontano dal masochismo Medievale, consente di muoversi liberamente e non causa nessuna scomodità. Il corsetto, scelto correttamente, riduce il giro vita notevolmente, solleva il seno, nasconde il ventre, aiuta a mantenere il portamento.
Il corsetto si puo indossare sia da solo che sotto una giacca o sopra una camicia leggera, si combina molto bene con jeans, pantaloni e gonne vaporose. I corsetti, semplici, si possono mettere benissimo con un tailleuer classico invece del top o con la gonna maxi di seta pesante.
Questi modelli sono stati creati e confezionati da me, potete trovare il corsetto piu ufficioso di lana sottile, buono anche a lavoro, quello giovanile di tartan, o classico ed elegante di atlas con decorazione di pizzo. In uno dei prossimi post io racconto alcuni segreti di cucitura dei corsetti: come tagliare stecche spirali, come cucire busk e etc.
This is my treasury that is in the first place in treasury list! This is the last arrivederci for winter - say good bay for winter, for life between white of the snow and black of polar night. And now the day begin to grow and soon we will see the sun!
From my childhood I sewn dresses for my dolls or something for me and my family. Than after studies I became to sew professionally. I always try to put in my job some part of me and make it most qualitatively.
Now I sew bags, corsets, and also historical and fantasy clothes. I like to create and put into life intereating ideas.
Last time I make with ispiration bags in stile patchwork “Crazy”. Every bag come in very original and will not repeat never.
Here is a some of my creations:
Dall’infanzia ho cucito vestitini per le mie bambole o qualche cosa per me e la mia famiglia. Poi dopo gli studi ho cominciato a cucire piu professionalmente. Io cerco sempre di mettere nei miei capi una parte della mia anima e di crearli nella migliore qualità.
Ora cucio borse, corsetti e anche vestiti storici e stile fantasy. Mi piace realizzare le mie idee in belle creazioni.
In qust’ultimo tempo ho l’ispirazione per creare borse in stile patchwork “Crazy”. Ogni borsa viene molto originale e non potrà essere mai ripetuta.
Qua vi presento alcuni miei lavori:
©2009 Katrinshine | by TNB