Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Etsy Treagury – eggsmania

This is my Etsy Treasury that is dedicated to Easter - eggsmania!
One, two, three, many eggs…

Hope you enjoyed this Treasury!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

This bag is my new creation

This roomy and beautiful pouch bag i made from very soft italian ecoleather with embroidered flowers. This is very comfortable, fashionable, stylish and practical bag and is perfect for daily use. It’s zip-closing, lined, has deep interior pocket with velcro and cell phone pocket. I made this bag in two colours – steel grey and bronze. I hope you like it…

Questa borsa bella e spaziosa l’ho fatta di ecopelle italiana tenera con fiori ricamati। E’ molto comfortevole, alla moda e pratica ed è perfetta per l’uso quotidiano. E’ foderata, ha la chiusura con la cerniera, una grande tasca interna con chiusura a velcro ed una piccola tasca per il cellulare. L’ho fatta in due colori – grigio acciaio e bronz
o। Spero che vi piacciono…

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Patchwork - introducing Spiral style

I like very much all kind of needle and craft work, it seems like things made with your own hands fill your soul with warmth and home with a comfort... When I was teen I start to needlepoint frivolite, cross-stitch, crochet and knitting. But in a last time I like especially patchwork.
Patchwork or "pieced work" is a form of a needlework that appeared in England during the 17th century. It involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design. Fabrics at that time were very expensive, that’s why every pie
ce was put into work. Patchwork quickly became very popular and now there are a lot of styles it, including my favourite stile “Spiral”. This particular technique gives room to imagination as small pieces of fabric assemble an inimitable design, that’s why every piece of work made in this style is very unique and original.
Why do I like Spiral style? It’s fast. And always the pi
ece you make is very unique. Also it’s a great way to utilize scraps of fabric left over from sewing. You don’t even have to use the same type of fabric – say, you can combine cotton and wool.

For creating patchwork in Spiral style one can use pieces of fabric with colourful patterns or mono coloured ones. You have to start work in the centre, pin your pieces to the base fabric and sew them to each other, going clockwise. The fabric for the base could be any unused piece, since it won’t be seen in the final work. But if your final piece is going to be used as a pillowcase or cover, choose a thin fabric for a base, if it’s a bag or a potholder – use a thicker fabric.

Usually, the centre of the work has a light and bright coloured piece of fabric – say white or yellow. The size of pieces changes from very small in the centre to large on the edges. Fabric pieces are combined by colour using different ideas. For example, you can sew together light coloured pieces first, and after finishing a circle, use darker coloured ones, but in the same colour gamma (“colour stretching”). Sometimes contrast coloured pieces can be used next to each other. In any case, it is a good idea not to put

together pieces that are too close to each other by colour or pattern because they might destroy your composition by creating a large mono coloured spot. Are you interested in patchwork «Spiral» stile? In next post I’ll tell you how to make pillow for divan in this stile for decorate your sitting room.

Mi piacciono molto tutti i tipi di lavori feminili, sembra che le cose fatte con le tue proprie mani riempiano l’anima di calore e la casa di particolare accoglienza... Ancora in gioventu ho cominciato a tessere merletto frivolite, fare punto a croce, lavorare ad uncinetto e sferruzzare. Ma negli ultimi tempi ho un particolare amore verso il patchwork.
Patchwork e un modo di cucire che si e sviluppato in Enghilterra nel 17° secolo, cucendo insieme molti piccoli pezzi di stoffa varia come in un grande quadro. Le stoffe in quel tempo costavano molto, percio venivano usati tutti i piccoli pezzi. Da un po’ di tempo il patchwork e diventato molto popolaree e adesso esistono molte sue varieta, tra cui il mio stile preferito “Spiral”. Questa particolare tecnica da enorme spazio alla fantasia, poiche i pezzi di stoffa separati si combinano in un quadro irripetibile, percio ogni oggetto eseguito con questo stile e unico ed originale.

Perche mi piace lo stile Patchwork Spiral? E’ veloce ed i capi vengono sempre unici. E’ anche una buona idea per utilizzare ritagli di stoffa rimasti dopo aver cucito. Si possono combinare vari tipi di stoffa: cotone e lana, lino e poliester, etc…
Per creare un capo in patchwork stile Spiral si possono usare stoffe variopinte o monocolori. Bisogna cominciare dal centro, puntare con spilli sulla stoffa di base e cucire i pezzi uno dopo l’altro in senso orario. La stoffa per base puo essere quasiasi pezzo inutile, perche non si vedra alla fine del lavoro. Ma se il capo finale sara usato come federa o sopraccoperta, scegli stoffa morbida, se invece sara una borsa o presina – usa una stoffa piu pesante.

Di solito, al centro del capo si trova il pezzo piu chiaro e acceso – come bianco o giallo. Le dimensioni dei pezzi cambiano da molto piccoli al centro a grandi sui bordi. I pezzi di stoffa vanno messi in vari modi. Per esempio, puoi cominciare a cucire prima i pezzi piu chiari, per poi finire il circolo aggiungendone di piu scuri, ma della stessa tonalita (“allungamento di colori”). A volte tutti i pezzi accanto fanno un contrasto di colori. Comunque, e una buona idea non collegare vicino i pezzi troppo simili di colore e disegno, poiche cosi si puo rovinare la vostra composizione creando una grande macchia monocolorata.
Sei interessato in patchwork “Spiral” stile? Nel prossimo post vi raccontero come cucire in questo stile una federa per cuscino da divano per decorare il salotto.

This article you can see also here:

Monday, March 22, 2010

EURO WEEK 2010 on Etsy!!!

This week Etsy has the spotlight on Europe! We'll be celebrating the European art and artists of Etsy, and the event is called Euro Week.
From March 22 through March 27, 2010 I will offer FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE e for all the items in my Etsy Shop!!!!
Don't miss the opportunity!

Questa settimna Etsy ha
proiettore su Europa! Noi celebreremo arte e artisti europei di Etsy, e questo evento si chiama Euro Week.
Dal 22 Marzo al 27 Marzo Io propongo SPEDIZIONE GRATIS IN TUTTO IL MONDO e per tutti i capi di mio negozio Etsy!!!! Non perdete l'occasione!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tutorial: cutting and finishing spiral bones

When you sew a corset at the first time you must to study many new things, because sewing a corset is more involved than just sewing. In precedent post Katrinshine: Return of the Corset! I promised to open some secrets for sewn a corset. In this post I’ll tell how to cut and finishing spiral steel bones.
Spiral bones offer the most flexibility of all bones, being able t
o move both forwards and backwards and side to side. They're the best choice for a corset or bodice that requires boning. If you have spiral bones by the meter/yard you need to cut it and applying “U” shaped ends. Even a single wearing can cause holes to develop in the fabric if steel bones aren’t tipped. “Tips” can be called “bone tips”, “bone caps” or “U” tips. “U” tips were designed for spiral bones and they’re the best way to finish the ends. The best “U” tips are made of aluminium, making them easy to apply as aluminium is fairly soft. Attaching the tips is a bit complicated and takes some practise. That’s why I decided to tell my own experience based on book “The basics of corset building” by Linda Sparks.

You need to have two pairs of needle-nose pliers for cut spiral steel bones.
Than you need to have a bolt cutter for cutting the steel. In place of two pairs of needle-nose pliers and bolt cutter I use one pair of needle-nose pliers and one pair of solid pliers, because it’s like needle-nose pliers and bolt cutter in one tool! And to buy it requests less money.

For first you must measure your corset to determinate the quantity of each length of bone you’ll need. If you have many bones to cut will be
ready to do intervals if you’ll want to save your hands whenever possible.
1. Mark the cutting line. Bones should be about ½” (13mm) shorter than the finished casi
ng. Using pliers, align the cutting mark on the outside wire of the spiral bone with the tip of the plier’s jaws. Snip the outer wire only.

2. Flip the bone over and do the same on the other side. The bone should come apart in two pieces. Don’t try to cut through the whole bone as it results in messy cut and can be more difficult to tip.

3. The cut wires shouldn’t be protruding, so clip the raw end again to shorter.

4. To applying “U” tips place needle-nose pliers in your right hand. Place one tip, flat, between the jaws.

5. Pick up a bone, slide the cut end into the tip, squeeze the pliers a bit to grip the tip and the bone.

6. Pick up the second pliers in your left hand. Apply the jaws to either side of the tip. Apply pressure to both sets simultaneously. If you apply pressure in only one direction the tip pops out in the opposite direction. It is very important that the tips fit snugly and cannot catch on the fabric when being slid in and out of casings, this can cause snag marks or even worse; they can come off after they are in the casing.

This is the most effective and quickest way to cut and finished spiral steel bones! Only some practise!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Return of the Corset!

I always admired women of 19 century with waist tight and big crinolins. From here it’s developed my secret desire – one day I will have a corset too!

Waist Reducing Jacquard CORSET

Last time corset is returning to moda – that says couturier! For me, young girl, can be only a pleasure. We all want to be fragile and vulnerable, but simultaneously elegant and womanly. Now new materials and technologies help us to create corsets. Modern corset seems very seductive, it’s distant from masochism of Middle Ages - permit to easily moving and don’t cause discomfort. Corset selected correctly, can reduce waist notice, has effect push-up, ably hide abdomen, help to support posture. Corsets it’s possible to wear as independently, as under a jacket or over a flimsy chemise, it’s combine well with jeans, pants and bouffant skirts. Simple corset perfectly look with classic suit instead a top or with maxi-skirt from dense silk.

Waist reducing atlas corset with lace

This several models was created and sewn by me, you can find corset more formal from fine wool, it’s well also for a work, another one young from tartan, or classic and elegant from atlas with lacework.

In one of next post i will tell of some secrets for sewn a corset: how to cut spiral bones, how to applying a busk and a bias type and etc.

Waist reducing Wool corset

Io ho sempre ammirato le donne del 19 secolo con la vita stretta e grandi crinolini. Di qua si è sviluppato il mio segreto desiderio – SI, anche io avrò il corsetto!

In quest’ultimo tempo il corsetto sta tornando di moda - cosi dicono i couturier! A me, giovane ragazza, non può altro che fare piacere. Noi tutte vogliamo essere fragili e protette, ma nello stesso tempo eleganti e femminili. Oggi nuovi materiali e tecnologie ci aiutano a creare i corsetti. Il corsetto moderno si presenta molto seducente, ma lontano dal masochismo Medievale, consente di muoversi liberamente e non causa nessuna scomodità. Il corsetto, scelto correttamente, riduce il giro vita notevolmente, solleva il seno, nasconde il ventre, aiuta a mantenere il portamento.

Il corsetto si puo indossare sia da solo che sotto una giacca o sopra una camicia leggera, si combina molto bene con jeans, pantaloni e gonne vaporose. I corsetti, semplici, si possono mettere benissimo con un tailleuer classico invece del top o con la gonna maxi di seta pesante.

Questi modelli sono stati creati e confezionati da me, potete trovare il corsetto piu ufficioso di lana sottile, buono anche a lavoro, quello giovanile di tartan, o classico ed elegante di atlas con decorazione di pizzo. In uno dei prossimi post io racconto alcuni segreti di cucitura dei corsetti: come tagliare stecche spirali, come cucire busk e etc.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Last arrivederci for winter...

This is my treasury that is in the first place in treasury list! This is the last arrivederci for winter - say good bay for winter, for life between white of the snow and black of polar night. And now the day begin to grow and soon we will see the sun!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My experience in Tablet Weaving

When i started to participate in historical festivals and Role-playing games, appeared the necessity in belts authentic and beautiful ribbon for hairs. Than I decided to study Tablet weaving. Tablet weaving is used from beginning of our age and up to a new time. Vikings and anglo-saxons were made ribbon with interesting and beautiful textures. Ribbon were using for dressing clothes, belts and etc. Tablet is squared with four holes in every angle. Originals tablets were made from bones or wood, but I made from carton. Through every hole runs a thread. Can use wool thread, in this case ribbon will be thicker, and can use silk, linen, cotton and also synthetics thread. There is special program that help to made ribbon with specific design. Nobody of friends of mine knew tablet weaving before, that’s why I had to study by myself, learning all information’s by Internet. First cm. were bad – threads were interlacing, tablets were falling out from my hands, were must dissolve a few time, but later everything has gone well. Now all my “masterpieces” can be founded in all Russia, and remains in my hands only several ribbons.

Quando ho cominciato a partecipare ai festival storici e Role-playing game, è venuta la necessità di cinture autentiche e belle fettucce per i capelli. Allora ho deciso di studiare T
ablet weaving (tessitura con i cartoni). La tessitura con i cartoni si usa dall’inizio della nostra era e fino al nuovo tempo. I vichinghi e gli anglo-sassoni facevano con questo metodo le fettucce con intrecciature interessanti e belle. La fettuccia si usava per decorare abbigliamento, cinture e etc. Il cartone è quadrato con quattro buchi in angoli. Gli originali si facevano di osso o di legno, ma io li ho fatto di cartone. Tra ogni buco del cartone si infila un filo. Si può usare lana, in questo caso la fettuccia sarà piu spessa, mentre si può usare anche seta, lino, cotone e persino filo sintetico. C’è il programma speciale che aiuta a creare la fettuccia con disegno particolare. Nessuno dei miei amici non sapeva tessere con cartoni, perciò mi è toccato a studiare da sola, apprendendo tutte le informazioni da Internet. I primi centimetri erano brutti – i fili si intrecciavano, i cartoni cadevano dalle mani, dovevo disfare alcune volte, ma dopo un po’ tutto è riuscito bene. Adesso i miei “capolavori” si trovano in tutta la Russia, mentre io ho solo un paio di fettucce.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tablecloth, pillows - peasant details of my sitting room

Tablecloth, pillows on the divan, frames on the table – this pleasant details give at the home a lively view, underline his individuality. Tablecloth is a decoration of any table. Of course it’s possible to buy serial pieces, but handmade will be unique. Therefore i decided to decorate the table in a sitting room with new tablecloth. In our sitting room we have antique furniture, that’s why I selected convenient fabric – this is vinous damask silk with golden pattern in baroque stile. And so that sitting room has view complete, I decided to make pillow for divan from pieces remains. Pillows for divan give at the room particular warmth and cosiness, help to dilute boring interior. Furthermore on them it’s comfortably overlay and be seated.

Tovaglie, cuscini sul divano, cornici sul tavolo – sono piacevoli dettagli che danno per casa l’aria vivace, sottolineano sua individualità.
Tovaglia è decorazione per quasiasi tavola. Certo, si pou comprare gia pronta, ma fatta a mano sarà un pezzo unico. Percio ho deciso di ornare la tavola in sa
lotto con nuova tovaglia. I mibili in salotto sono antici, percio ho scelto la stoffa in stile conveniente – seta damascata di colore bordo con disegni in stile barocco. E per dare al salotto l’aria compiuta ho deciso fare della stoffa resta cuscino per divano. Cuscini per divano danno alla stanza particolare accoglienza e calore, aiutano a diluire interno malinconico. E anche sui cuscini sempre comodo sedere o appoggiarsi.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Finally i started blogging...

From my childhood I sewn dresses for my dolls or something for me and my family. Than after studies I became to sew professionally. I always try to put in my job some part of me and make it most qualitatively.

Now I sew bags, corsets, and also historical and fantasy clothes. I like to create and put into life intereating ideas.

Last time I make with ispiration bags in stile patchwork “Crazy”. Every bag come in very original and will not repeat never.

Here is a some of my creations:

Dall’infanzia ho cucito vestitini per le mie bambole o qualche cosa per me e la mia famiglia. Poi dopo gli studi ho cominciato a cucire piu professionalmente. Io cerco sempre di mettere nei miei capi una parte della mia anima e di crearli nella migliore qualità.

Ora cucio borse, corsetti e anche vestiti storici e stile fantasy. Mi piace realizzare le mie idee in belle creazioni.

In qust’ultimo tempo ho l’ispirazione per creare borse in stile patchwork “Crazy”. Ogni borsa viene molto originale e non potrà essere mai ripetuta.

Qua vi presento alcuni miei lavori:


©2009 Katrinshine | by TNB