Friday, December 21, 2012

Panettone - italian sweet for Christmas

Panettone is a large cylindrical bread which is traditionally served around Christmas in Italy. Pan means bread, but by adding tonethe word means large bread. Panettone is originally from Milan and recipe has at least 500 years, but wasn’t widely produced until the early 1900s. 
Unlike the quicker made recipes where fresh or dried yeast are added to ingredients, 
authentic panettone uses a starter, similar to a sourdough starter, to raise the bread. The dough goes through 3 different leavening stages, and it takes two days to prepare one panettone.  Due to the unique leavening process, it’s difficult to make panettone at home.
 The dough for panettone is quite rich and contains plenty of butter and eggs. Aside from the butter and eggs, most of the flavor of the panettone comes from the add-ins. The most traditional have dried fruits, candied citrus, lemon and/or orange zest and may be doused with amaretto before serving.
If you buy an artisanal Panettone you will notice immediately the difference with an industrial one: the freshness is what makes it delicious.  This year we found one pasticceria (pastry shop) where they make artisanal panettone with traditional recipe. It’s so beautifully packed so I'm sorry to unpack it.  

As it contain butter a piece of this panettone should be served warm. I put it for a few seconds in oven and it was so delicious!!!
Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Free printable Christmas gift tags

Only a few days left before Christmas. In Italy Christmas is a big family holiday when all family band together usually in the hous of granparents. At midnight we open gifts and It's often difficult to find your gift becaise all packages and bags seem equal. Thats why this idea suggested itself to me - to print gift tags and write on the back side the name of person whose gift is, and maybe some words.  The tags are also a great way to personalize any gift.
Save and print these tags is a really easy way to save money at the holidays .
You can use these tags also in your scrapbooking project. I made them from vintage greeting cards that's why these Christmas gift tags looks so amazing and cute.

The size of the tags is 2x1.25 inch 48x32 mm and it's for standart 2" puncher. 
Make right click and save the image. Print it easily on home printer.  I recommend to print the tags on laser printer on 100 lb card stock. It's 8.5x11inch digital file which is standard letter size. Then cut off with scissors or puncher and make a hole. Then take nice atlas or organza ribbon, or maybe red yarn (like me) and pass it through the hole. With this ribbon you can attach the tag to the gift and make a beautiful bow)

Please, be aware that the digital collage sheet is not be sold as digital or printed collage sheet.

Happy holidays!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

New collection of neclaces

Today I don't want to write anything, just post photos of my new collection of necklaces. They are absolutely romantic and femminine!

And that's not all. To be continue...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ideas for new pillow covers!

This week I finally found a time to realize some ideas I had in my mind for many time. I made 3 new pillows and I hasten to write about them. These are tutorials for pillows I made and some I dream to make or buy)

1.   Pillow pillow decorated with crochet doilies
Tutorial I found herebut I decided to take one big doily and attaché it in the center of the pillow I already have.

2.   Upsycled sweater pillow
Use sweater out of your closet that has seen better days or find one on the local market or on the sale. Measure the insert to determine the size of the pillow adding 1/2 inch to each side for seam allowance . I cut off the sleeves and then cut off the top and bottom. Pin right sides together and sewed up all the seams, leaving a small opening on the bottom to stuff the pillow in.  Turn right side out. Add the insert and hand-stitch close
So cozy!

3.   Taffeta pillow
One more pillow I made from a piece of amazing taffeta fabric found about year ago in the shop. The photo can’t show how it’s beautiful!

4.   Shag pillow or ruffled pillow
You can also made pillow decorated with ruffles like here

This one is next to make))

5.   Boho pillow
Pillow made from vintage Uzbek rug is absolutely amazing! It is soft and silky, and feels like rayon. I dream to buy this one:

More about my ideas and my creations you can read in News section of my site:  Last article: Winter crochet skirt 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rings on SALE!!

I make special SALE for crochet and leather flower rings! Now you can buy one only for 10$!!! Take your chance!
SALE section of my Etsy shop


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