Monday, February 28, 2011

Sea shells collage sheet on Etsy Front Page

 This night my Sea shells collage sheet was featured on Etsy Front Page!
It was amazing and fresh treasury collection "A hunting we will go". Thank you hoganfe and congrats other features.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Crochet lesson

Last time I like crochet. I don't know why )) Last time I made something crochet was 10 years ago. I began from making two crochet scarves.   

Now I'm searching in internet and through blogs to find lessons and tutorials about crochet. I found one interesting lesson -  How to crochet Shell stitch. It's simple and easy to understand lesson about crochet. Thank you for sharing!

When I will return in Italy I will necessary try to make new scarf with this technique. Or maybe something bigger? A little top?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yellow leather earrings on Etsy Front Page

This morning my Yellow leather earrigns was featured on Etsy Front Page! What a good notice for morning!
It was pretty and colorful treasury collection "A modern fairy tale" made by Callmemimi.
Thank you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Scarf by JaneBoFelt

I always admire the work of felt artists. For me It's something magical. I have amazing felted bag that I very like. 

 I found this wonderful original, eco-friendly scarf on the blog of JaneBoFelt. This scarf has earthy colors. Photos are also very beautiful, especially winter photo. On her blog You can find many other beautiful felted creations.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Risotto with pumpkin

Today I bought a pumpkin. It's been a long time since I wrote a post about Italian recipes. So today I decided to cook Risotto con la zucca for a dinner and write about it. I love the flavor of this simple recipe and this is why I would like to share it with you. It's very easy to cook! It takes approximately 30-35 minutes total!

You will need:
100 g butter/3,5 oz
1 onion
2 liters of vegetables broth/68 fl oz
400 gr of pumpkin/14 oz
350 gr of rice/12 oz
salt and pepper, to taste

Clean and cut the pumpkin.

Put cut pumpkin in a pot with water and cook about 10-13 minutes.

Remove pumpkin from water keeping the broth. I usually add some vegetables (onion, carot, smallage, potatos, tomatoes – whatever I have available) and cook a vegetable broth. Puree the pumpkin adding a little broth.

Add butter to a wide pot and heat up. Add the finely chopped onion and let it cook a little.

Now add the rice and fry it slightly. Reduce heat to low. At this point you can add a little  white wine. When rice absorbs the liquid add about 1/3 of the broth and and stir it with rice.

Then add pumpkin and stir it with rice.

When rice absorbs the broth again, add more broth (a little at a time) and cook until it reduces. Add salt and pepper. Stir it often till the rice will absorb all liquid. When the risotto is creamy and not al dente, cover the pot with a lid for one to two minutes. Risotto is ready!

Before serving you can grate the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and stir with risotto.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Polca dots fabric necklace

In the early 70's polka dot was on the wave of fashion, it was loved and worn by almost all women! This time can be called the time of Hollywood beauties: the polka-dot dress was worn with broad hats and big sunglasses …

Past almost 40 years, and polka dots are back in fashion - you can see it everywere. Clothing or accessories in polka-dot fit into any style of outfits: suit is great for urban style; sneakers, jeans and t-shirt in polka dots — great for casual style. Office shirt in polka dots you can combine with strict pants and high heels.
This Polca dots fabric necklace in Audrey Hepburn style  will be perfect addition to your spring outfits! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pink is color of spring

Pink bifit for many girls, especially blondes. It's associated with romance, tenderness, sensuality. It's very feminine and can be worn at any age. 
This summer, many fashion houses have relied on a pink. You can find in the collections of more than 30 shades. Very easy to combine pink and black, dark gray and pink, and red costume with a pink beach bag or pink sandals will look very fashionable. 
For your spring outfit I made Pink leather pendant and Pink leather earrings. About Pink leather brooch I wrote before. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring is around the corner

Spring is around the corner. We all mess brightly colors after long winter. I stay now in St Petersbug and have -25 C )) For me it's stiil winter. That's why I persent today these yellow leather earrings - they have so sunny color! I made it the shape of the flower. When you wear they seems two sunny flowers, two ray of light near the face.
Yellow - one of the most vivid colors of the spectrum, so it always attracts attention and brings  joy, light, charging the optimism and cheerfulness. It is associated with the sun - a bright, shiny and warm. 


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gold filled jewelry and Gold plated jewelry

I like jewelry but not often I buy jewelry made with gold, silver or precious stones. So I didn't know nothing about gold filled or gold plated jewelry. But browsing through blogs I found this article What is Gold Filled Jewelry vs Gold Plated and why buy? 
 It was very interesting and knowing to read about this difference between gold filled and gold plated jewelry. Now I'm equipped to buy this type of jewelry!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wonderful Valentine's day gift tags

Today is a Valentine's day! It is very romantic and beautiful holiday. Women around the world are waiting it with a sinking heart. I hope you already prepared a gift for your love and of course you have a gift tag. If not  - I fount it for you! 

It's a cut little gift tag in the form of heart of course. You can download this collage sheet here. Then print it, pinch a hole and decorate your valentine's gift. With cute ribbone it will add the final touch to your gift and your Valentine will never forget it. 
Do not forget to write three words on the back - I love you...
Let them know how much you love! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cream leather earrings on Etsy Front Page

 Yesterday my Cream leather earrings was featured on Etsy Front Page! It was very soft and femmine collection in cream tones named "Running for...".  Thank you zuzusworld  and congrats other features!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Leather and organza brooch

I like to experiment, to make something new. In autumn I made leather and organza brooch and I decided to repeat it in dark red color. I create this dark red brooch bigger that first one. One big bead and many small red vintage beads I used for finishing the center of the flower.
This brooch is really attractive and can be perfect decoration for scarf, jacket or sweater. You can attach this lovely brooch whatever you want. Combination of different matherials makes it memorable. This brooch with color of passion can be great addition to your spring outfit because big brooches are on the rise this spring! Brooch can help you to accent your personality, to complete your image. The new collections of famous designers represented a large number of brooches.
I made photos with white sweater, my favorite crochet scarf and grey jacket.


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