Friday, April 30, 2010

Featured seller - Arctida Creations

Today I would like to present you Arctida, Scandinavian artist who create fine artisan gemstone jewelry and Digital Art.

The creative studio of Arctida is situated in the 750 year old city of Stockholm in Sweden. However, the inspiration for Alecia’s (the artist her self) jewelry is taken from much farther north where she was born and grew up, from the polar circle all the way up to the North Pole. The name Arctida refers to the hypothetical polar continent that is believed to exist in the geological past of our planet.

The northern nature with its crisp polar nights and gleaming Northern lights is the main inspiration source for of all of her art. Each individual piece of Alecia’s jewelry is created with the ideas and influences from the world of the lone Scandinavian mountains that astonish with their untouched landscape and wandering flock of wild reindeer, then on to the even more remote, uninhabited world of ice, populated only by the seals and polar bears.

Through this source of inspiration as well as her interest in natural science (she works as a molecular biologist/cancer researcher at her day job) Alecia is able to create unique pieces of art with both inner and outer power and genuine "one of a kind" – design.

You can keep up with Alecia and new happenings in her shops by visiting her blog or following her on Twitter or Facebook.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Here is my latest creation - Earrings AZURE FANTAZY sterling silver.
This is another addition to my collection of textile jewelry. This is beautiful earrings in a shades of azure, dark blue, white and fichsia. High quality italian silk and unique design make these earrings unrepeatable. These earrings are for girls who do not want to be like everyone.
You can match a wonderful summer set with
necklace or bracelet.

è la mia ultuma creazione - Orecchini d'argento AZURE FANTAZY .
Questo è un altro addizione ad AZURE FANTAZY - mia collezione di bigiotteria textile. Sono bellissimi orecchini nelle tonalità di fucsia, iris, rosa e bianca. Palline di legno sono coperti della seta italiana di alta qualità e le coppette filigrane. Adesso puoi combinare il meraviglioso completo estivo con collana o braciale.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Treasury East "Mare nostrum"

My new Treasury East i called "Mare nostrum".
It's my waiting for summer,
walk on the golden beach, bath in the azure sea...
Il sole, il sale,
il mare... volare...

Monday, April 26, 2010


I have 5 kalanchoe and after it's first flowering many people said me that it's Dutch hybride and will never have flowers again. But after that i found one interesting article in Internet about how force kalanchoe to flowering again, and this is result:

It's very beautiful, is not true?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Summer short necklace PINK FANTAZY

My collection of PINK FANTAZY has new addition: Summer short necklace.
7 wooden beads are covered with italian silk fabric and divided by silver plated spirals in this beautiful necklace in a shades of fuchsia, iris, pink and white. Necklace closes with lobster clasp.
Mia collezione PINK FANTAZY ha la nuova addizione: Collana corta estiva.
7 palline di legno sono coperte della seta italiana e sono divise di spirali in argento placcato. Il resultato è questa collana nelle tonalità fucsia, iris, rosa e bianco. Collana chiude con chiusura a moschettone.

You'd like to have a matching bracelet and earrings.
Right now I'm making a lot of new necklaces because I found amazing silky fabrics. I also think that I’ll create bracelets and earrings from this fabric and you will see it in my Etsy shop.
Questa collana si puo combinare con braciale e orecchini.
Adesso io sto creando molte nuove collane, perche l'ho trovata belle stoffe si seta. Penso che anche farrò braciali e orecchini di questa stoffa e voi necessariamente li vedrete in mio Etsy shop.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Medievad dress for the Princess inside each of us

Every girl dreams to be a Princess in medieval dress with wide skirt and long wide sleeves! Also having experience in sew historical clothes, I decided to sew this Weddind dress in medieval stile. This dress is like the one in a medieval fairy tale story! Perfect for medieval style wedding! It’ll be great for The Venetian Carnival, Renaissance Faire or medieval event!

The length of the skirt is 9m!!! It’s long posterior and decorated with golden ribbon. Long wide sleeves are lining with golden atlas. The dress has laмcing in the front and the belt made from a golden atlas with tassels. Neck and edge of the sleeves are decorated with seed bead.

In this dress you’ll feel Princess!

Ogni ragazza sogna di essere la Principessa in abito medievale con la gonna ampia e le maniche lunghe e larghe! Avendo già esperienza di cucire abbigliamento storico, ho deciso di fare l’abito da sposa in stile medievale. Sarà perfetto per il Carnevale Veneziano, la festa rinascimentale, l’evento medievale o il matrimonio in stile storico!

La lunghezza dell’orlo è di 9 metri!!! La gonna è piu lunga da dietro e rifinita con il nastro dorato. Le lunghe larghe maniche sono foderate con atlas dorato. L’abito ha l’allacciatura davanti e la cintura larga di atlas dorato con le nappe. Il bordo della scollatura e delle maniche è ricamato con perle di vetro e perline.

In questo abito ti sentirai la Principessa del Principe Azurro!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summer short necklace AZURE FANTAZY

Even thousands of years ago people began to wear necklaces. In popularity necklaces were ahead of any other type of jewelry. Necklaces were made not only from natural stones, but also from shell, bones, wood and bronze. If the necklace worn man, it symbolized wealth and position in society, and if the woman it symbolized also the beauty and fertility.

My collection of fabric jewelry has new addition: Summer short necklace Azure Fantazy.
This Italian silk fabric in a shades of azure, dark blue, white and fuchsia so inspires me! This necklace gives feel of summer breeze near the sea. I really love this fabric and you'll see many other additions of AZURE FANTAZY collection!
Mia collezione di biju di stoffa ha la nuova addizione: Collana corta estiva Azure Fantazy.
Questa seta in tonalità azzurra, blu, bianco e fucsia mi ispira tanto!
Mi piace molto questa stoffa e voi vedrete molte altre creazioni a collezione AZURE FANTAZY!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My first Treasury East - My blue dream

I discovered new option on Etsy - Treasury East! And I created my first experiment treasury "My blue dream". It's like a color of the sea, the sky, the water...

L'ho scoperta la nuova
Etsy opzione - Treasury East! E ho creato mio primo esperimentale treasury - "My blue dream". Sono colori del mare, del cielo, dell'aqua...

Friday, April 16, 2010

New long necklace SEA WAVES

I already made short necklace and promiced you'll see many others creations. Today I created new long necklace SEA WAVES!
Ho gia fatto collana corta e ho promesso che vedrete molte altre creazioni. Oggi l'ho creata nuova collana lunga SEA WAVES!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Finally i made earrings!

Finally i made earrings! This is another addition to my PINK FANTAZY collection of textile jewelry. This is beautiful earrings in a shades of fuchsia, iris, pink and white. Wooden beads are covered with high quality italian silk fabric and filigree flower bead caps. Now you can matching wonderful summer set with necklace or bracelet.

Finalmente l'ho fatti orecchini!
Questo è un altro addizione a PINK FANTAZY - mia collezione di bigiotteria textile. Sono bellissimi orecchini nelle tonalità di fucsia, iris, rosa e bianca. Palline di legno sono coperti della seta italiana di alta qualità e le coppette filigrane. Adesso puoi combinare il meraviglioso completo estivo con collana o braciale.

Earrings are already in my Etsy shop and are just waiting for their new owner!
Sono gia in mio Etsy shop e gia aspettano il suo nuovo propritario!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Etsy Russian Team Giveaway!

I'm a member of Etsy Russian Team and i'm offering Silk covered bracelet and necklace PINK FANTASY in Etsy Russian Team Giveaway!
You c
an partecipate and win it!!! The giveaway is open to anyone.
How you enter for a chance to win this bracelet and necklace you can read on the Etsy Russian Team blog. A winner will be chosen on 25.04.
This is open to Worldwide!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mu summer collection of textile jewelry

Here comes another additions to my summer collection of textile jewelry:
Ecco un altra addizione alla mia collezione estiva di bigiotteria textile:

Summer necklace SAHARA. This is textile art necklace in beige shades. I named it SAHARA because it has colour of the sand and shape of the dunes of Sahara. It hand embroidered with pearl seet beads.
Collana estiva SAHARA. E' collana d'arte tessile in tonalita beige. L'ho chiamata SAHARA, perche ha il colore di sabbia e forma delle dune del Sahara. E ricamata con perline di vetro.

Summer short necklace SEA WAVES. I called this fabric so because a patern of the fabric seems waves of the sea with many tones in grey, blue, green, teal. It seems morning and mist, sea waves and olive foliage... This is only beginning of SEA WAVES collection of textile jewelry - in future I'll create many new additions!
Collana corta estiva SEA WAVES. E' il perfetto acessore per la primavera e l'estate! Sono ispirata tanto da questa stoffa in tonalita di grigio, viola, iceberg blu e verde! Sembra mattina e nebbia, onde di mare e fogliame di ulivi... Questo e solo inizio di collezione SEA WAVES - in futuro creo molte altre addizioni!

Monday, April 12, 2010

New photos of Patchwork Spiral stile bags!

This is new photos of Patchwork Spiral stile bags! We took all bags i made and drove out of town. After visit olive-wood and beaches in the suburbs of Brindisi we had 4 Gb of photos! After selection remained only a few) Hope you are enjoy it!

Queste sono le foto nuove di Borse in Patchwork stile Spirale! Abbiamo preso tutte borse che l'ho fatte e siamo andati in pressi della citta. Dopo visitare uliveti e spiaggie l'abbiamo avuti 4 Gb di foto! Dopo la selezione sono rimasti pochi) Spero che wi piaciono!

You can see it in special section in my shop - there.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Adorable organza!

Some days ago I saw in the shop amazing irridescent organza. I couldn’t be able to turn off my eyes and bought all colours! When the ray of sun touch this organza these green, violet, purple, pink colors flare up with thousands of shimmery shades. This organza inspired me to the new creations for my summer collection of fabric jewelry.
Qualche giorno fa ho visto in negozio bellissima cangiante organza. Io non potevo togliere gli occhi e ho comprato tutti i colori! Queste tonalita verde, viola, purpureo, rosa gatteggiano sutto il sole in milla sfumature. Questa organza mi l'ha ispirata per le nuove creazioni per collezione estiva della bigiotteria textile.

Necklace and bracelet Fresh Berries

Necklace and bracelet Holiday Shimmer
Necklace and bracelet Purple Mist

Necklace and bracelet Morning Dream


©2009 Katrinshine | by TNB