Saturday, April 30, 2011

Digital collage on Etsy front page

It's so rarely when digital collage is featured on Etsy front page. But I'm happy to write that my collage was there today! It was Vintage inspired butterflies 1.5 inch circles. It's one of my favorites collages. It was included in treasury collection "Fresh spring" made by Bethanylorelle.
Thank you and congtarulations aother featured artists!

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Spring green

Which is Color of Spring? Green! First leaves on naked trees. There are so many green plants starting to rise. Life is returning! 
That’s why today I present you my new creation – Green leather brooch. This beautiful spring green color radiates positive energy and makes me feel happy. This brooch will immediately attracts attention! Black borders make it very stylish. To decorate the center of the brooch I used black vintage beads.

Today I share with you my last photos from my trip in countryside a few weeks ago:

Fields around Roman ruins:

Fennel plants

Cabbage plants

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring flowers

Again my inspirations comes from spring flowers. One of my favourite flowers is poppy. I like it’s red color and delicate leaves. Now all fields around Brindisi are covered with poppies! This photo I made during my trip in countryside a few weeks ago but the fields are still full of poppies!
It’s so beautiful!

So I decided to create earrings-poppies. I have only dark red leather so my poppies are not so brightly as I would like. But they are beautiful, Isn’t it? Black bead in the center is like the stamens of poppy. 

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Charm of olive trees

Today I want to share with you some photos of olive trees I made in my trip to countryside. I'm always charmed by them. Some olive trees have about 500 years!
Puglia region produces about 40% of italian olive oil so you can imagine how many olive trees there are! Now olive berries are small, the time to collect them will be in novembre e december.  The smell caming out from olive oil factories is very strong. You can smell it 5 km around.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter again!

Happy Easter again for all! I have great gift for Easter - my Quilted backpack "Sun of azteks" was featured this morning on Etsy front page. It was early morning at 6:00 AM EST and I didn't have many hearts as always but this news lived up my mood))
This treasury collection named "Spring time" was made by Petekdesign.
Thank you and congrats all featured artists!

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Tomorrow is Easter and I happy to share with you these two antique easter greeting cards. You can use it as a gift tag, a post card image or use it in your Easter scrapbook project. 

Click on image to enlarge 

Click on image to enlarge

I wish you a Happy Easter!
Христос Воскресе!

May Lord bless you on
this auspicious day of Easter,
and May it be a new beginning
of greater prosperity,
success and happiness.
Wish you a Happy Easter

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cream earrigns with red beads on Etsy First page!

When I saw first time this collection I thinked I will be on the first page of Etsy. And It was there - "Red in White" treasury collection made by Russian artists team member Natalia HansHolzkopf! And my Cream earrings with red beads was featured with this amazing collection on the First page of Etsy! This treasury is so romantic and completely unique with this splashes of red in white! Thank you, curator and congratulations all featured handmade artists!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mother's Day Gift Contest 2011

Mother’s Day is an ideal occasion to show how much she means to you.
Celebrating Mother’s Day is rooted in the mists of time. The ancient Greeks was celebrated it in honor to the mother of all gods – Gaia. The Romans was celebrated it in honor to Cybele. 
In our time the Mother’s Day remains one of the most heartwarming holidays. 
In different countries this holiday is celebrated at different times.

These days the Etsy Russian Team navigate Mother's Day Gift Contest 2011. There are so many beautiful creations! Every is worthy to be the best Mother’s day gift!! 
Welcome to vote!

My Necklace with crocheted and fabric balls is included in this Contest. 
With this necklace I began new line of my jewelry. I wrote before about my first crochet balls. So I began to use them for making jewelry. For this necklace I made one big melange ball, two smaller lavander and one white. I also used fabric beads made from beautiful lavander silk. This lavander color is so amazing in combination with other soft colors. The necklace is also decorated with vintage purple glass beads. 
This necklace looks simple and elegant. 
It’s perfect gift and great for spring and summer!

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Turquoise earrings on the front page of Etsy!

Yesterday evening my Turquoise leather earrings was featured on the front page of Etsy! This great news was waiting me this morning in my email. These earrings was included in gorgeous treasury "..... in the sky!!" made in navy blue and brown colors. This is one of my favorits color combinations! Curator of this collection is Bayanhippo, Thank you and congrats other featured handmade artists!

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cherry flowers

I have something new to show you today - Cream leather flower earrings with red beads.

These earrings was inspired by white flowers that I saw last sunday during our trip in countryside. I don't know the name of this tree, maybe it's cherry. I'm sure that It's not almond tree or apricot tree - they bloom in the february. But these delicate cream and white flowers are so beautiful that I immediately made new earrings when I returned at home. Every cream flower has red vintage glass beads dangles in the center. Are they very similar to the flowers on the photo?

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Red crochet and leather ring on the first page of Etsy!

Yesterday evening  my Red crochet and leather ring I wrote last week was featured on the first page of Etsy! It was included in very lovely curated collection "Let's see the show of hands". Thank you shannonpix and congrats all featured!

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Crochet cowl and wistaria flowers

Today I want to share with you my latest crochet cowl made from bamboo thread and photos of wistaria flowers.
This cowl has white-purple colorline with a little of pink and beige. It's shorter and larger than the first. Now it's spring in Italy and the weather is warm. These two scarves are unique that I can wear now) I like them very much! I love the spring colors… the texture...

Last sunday we had a little trip along the coastal road and through the little towns. I made many photos of flowers and fields that I want to share with you. These are flowers of wistaria:

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Framed embroidery from BelleCoccinelle

Long desired Easter Holiday will come very soon. This is very lightful holyday, which accompanies by careful cleaning of the home, and preparation of special holiday meals.
During this holiday we demonstrate extreme love to our close ones.
Small elegant framed embroidery from BelleCoccinelle will be great gift for upcoming Easter.
The owner of the store - Lana, she is an embroidery designer. 
She offers framed embroidery - nests with eggs, as souvenirs for this great holiday.

The nest is on light elegant baby blue background, and it made from natural robe, big glass pearls are great imitation of eggs. Light pink feathers are exquisite addition to the composition.
This kind of framed gift could be very elegant for mom, grand mom, or for any close one.

This soul steering nest is a very nice gift for toddle girl. 

Great spot could be found in her little bedroom for this Souvenir.

Promise “I’ll be back” would be elegant addition for those who are leaving for vacation or business trip for some time.

You can choose Day and/or Night version of this souvenir based on your taste.

Please, come to BelleCoccinelle store, you will experience discovery of many interesting items.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring is finally here

Finally I returned in Italy! I love bright colors of the spring in the air and smell of blooming  flowers. They bring so much positive energy.  I feel me full of inspiration. 
These are photos of blooming succulent plants on my balcony:


I'm currently experimenting with combining different materials and techniques.
When I first started designing jewelry, I never imagined that I would be making handmade rings. All that changed one day when my friend asked if I ever made rings and I made one for she as a Cristmas gift. So now I created this ideal accessory for spring and summer. This is the red hand crochet rose with vintage bead in the center.  You can ask what is the difference with others crochet rings? That I combine it with the leather flower. I like this ring very much and of course I will make others!


What I can say for you: Try something new! You never know what you might come up with and it's an excellent chance to expand your horizons.

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