Sunday, September 22, 2013

iPhone Life Germany feature

I don't have a time last time to write about this wonderful happening, but finally today I found! I'm happy to write that one of my iPhone cases was featured this summer in "iPhone Life Germany" magazine! Leather case with letter was included in article about personalized iPhone and iPad cases.
So, this is it, my case

Personalized blue leather iPhone 5 cell phone sleeve case

and the article 

As I became an owner of new Samsung Galaxy S4, of course I made the sleeve case for it, ready to order in my etsy shop!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New patterns for pretty crochet beach skirts

For those of us who prefer to prepare to the summer in advance I created other two pretty crochet skirts to make!
They are tricolored skirts. Of course you can make them in one color, but multicolored they seem so cute and summer, didn't them?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vendemmia - vintage season in South Italy

This weekend in Salento the season  of vintage and new wine making is opening. This period in Italy is called vendemmia. This year, some wineries have decided to make the fiest of the first day of the vintage and invited people to participate. That's why we ended up in the vinery of Tenuta Rubino.
Tables with wine and seat for those who are tired were prepared.

Grapes are cutted off by hand using shears or a knife, I did not see any time in Salento machine harvesting. The damage done by machines and oxidation in contact with the metal get badly affect on the taste - and the wine loses its quality. Now, of course, seasonal workers are involved, often foreigners or immigrants, but traditionally the vintage is always done by women, who were helped by children, friends and relatives. Earlier, when every family had a vineyard, all families helped each other in vintage  season - today the whole village helping my family, tomorrow yours, and the next day to the neighbors. My husband when he was a child partecipated vendemmia.

Jokes, songs, music, laughter - are accompaning the vintage.

I also had a hand, so that in some of the bottles of wine are a few grapes Malvasia Rossa, which was cutted by me ))

Grapes are gently folded into boxes, which then will be transported by the tractor to the winery and in november we will tast the vine of 2013 season!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Seashell earrings DIY. Yes, other one!

Other one DIY after summer - other pair of seashell earrings. This is one of the simplest projects I’ve ever posted. 

You will need:
  • shells 
  • flat nose pliers
  • two pieces of thin chain of about 8 cm/2" length
  • earrings hooks
  • 2 jump rings about 5-6 mm/ 0.02" 

Seashells I picked up were already with holes (well, I was lucky). You can drill holes in them. How to do it? - Refer to the husband / friend / brother, they come up with, I'm not to know the first thing about this.
My box of shells probably has enough for many pairs of earrings. Sort through yours until you find pairs you like.

Open one jump ring, and thread it into the hole in the shell and lock.

Then open the earrings hook, turn the loop and insert into the middle of the chain.

Put the ring with shell and close earring hook.

Repeat operations for the second earring and voila - your earrings are ready! 
Wear them and be like a mermaid!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Seashell dangle earrings DIY

Many of us after the summer vacance bring at home a lot of sea shells, because they are so beautiful, so cute! IT's impossible to refrain yourself and don't pick them up. But on return at home, the question arises - what to do with them? I present to you one of the ways to use thes shells!
This DIY is simple and easy!

You will need:

  • shells (4, 6, 8 - how many you want)
  • flat nose pliers
  • two pieces of a chain of about 5 cm/2"
  • earrings hooks
  • jump rings about 5 mm/ 0.02" (quantity - number of shells)

Seashells I picked up were already with holes (well, I was lucky). You can drill holes in them. How to do it? - Refer to the husband / friend / brother, they come up with, I'm not to know the first thing about this.

Open one jump ring, and thread it into the hole in the shell.

Then pass it through the last link of the chain and lock.

Repeat with remaining shells, distribute them evenly over the length of the chain. The last shell attach to the second end of the chain.
Then, attach the chain to the earring hook. The first earring is ready!

Repeat operations for the second earring and voila - your earrings are ready! 
How wonderful they will set off your taned skin!

Monday, September 2, 2013

New tanks with upcycled vintage crochet doily back

After success of my first tanks with upcycled vintage crochet doily back I felt necessity to make new ones so these are them:
You can buy them here
With hand dyed fuchsia doilies:


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