Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas giveaway - Fabric bracelet

I'm a member of our Team of Russian Artists and I'm offering this wonderful organza bracelet “Holiday Shimmer” for the giveaway on Etsy Russian Team blog.

Can you imagine wearing this gorgeous piec
e at the Holiday parties? Now you can have it for free if you win this giveaway!

The rules to enter this giveaway and win this wonderful brooch you can read there.

This giveaway will run until Friday, December 10, 2010. The winner will be chosen through Random.org and announced on Saturday, December 11th!

Have fun and good luck everyone!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Yacht Carinthia VII in Brindisi

This year the port of Brindisi was visited by various famous yacht. About one of them I wrote in the post Yacht Al Mirqab in Brindisi. After that we saw also yacht of Abramovich Eclipse – biggest yacht in the world. But that day I didn’t have my camera. You have to wait next time when Eclipse visit Brindisi and I’ll write about it.
Today we are happy to see Carinthia VII. The yacht Carinthia VII was built in the Lurssen yard in Germani in 2002 and refurbished in 2005, with new furniture, new interior and new vision too. 12th largest yacht of the world, it is owned by Heidi Horten wife of Helmut Horten, a German entrepreneur. Exterior design was made by "Tim Heywood Design". Yacht has length of 318.25 ft (97.20 m).
Yacht is looking really fantastic, all in lights, which are making the dark hull very beautiful. I think it’s more beautiful than Eclipse. There are some photos made by me and one found in Internet.Last Photo from http://itboat.com

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Featured artist - Interview with RuMosaic07

Today I continue to present handmade artists. I would like to introduce a talented fellow artist whose work I admire!

Could you please tell me a little bit about

My name is Natasha Skobeleva. I
was born and raised in Ekaterinburg in a family of true artisans. A few years ago our family moved to Omsk a large city in Siberia. My grand father had a well-established business that was featured at the famous Paris exhibition in early XX century. He lost everything during the revolution in Russia but his artisan skills. Our family still has a children’s tea pot that is 3 cm. tall. My grand father hand made it out of an American tin from canned food during the WW II for his grandchildren. My mom and my granny sewed for the whole family during the Soviet era when it was hard to buy clothes. It’s not a surprise that I knitted my first item when I was 6. Nowdays I have two shops on Etsy. In rumosaic07 I sell mosaics, knitted items and macrame.
In my second shop RUussrvintage
I offer vintage pieces dated back to the Soviet era.

If you’ve noticed both of my shops’ names start with RU which corresponds to the Domain of Russia “.ru”. The idea is to inform potential clie
nts and buyers about Russian routs of my business.

How did you learn about Etsy?

I searched the Internet for the on-line portals where I could sell my creations. When I came across Etsy I instantly liked its layout, design and
its sellers’ friendly interface.

What are your current accomplishments and your
future goals?
I’ve been selling on Etsy for just 3 months now. It’s too early to report about any significant accomplishments yet. I create unique hand made it
ems in macrame, stained glass and mosaic techniques so that all these items could make my clients’ homes beautiful and cozy. I experiment a lot and always try to learn something new. I’m constantly improving and my main goal today is to succeed in my search for personal style.

How many hours do you normally spend crafting? Could you please describe your typical day?

I’m a professional pianist. I perform a lot and that’s why I’m rarely at home. Thus, I don’t really have that much time for my crafting. However, I love to create and to work with my hands. I hand craft my items mostly at night or on
weekends. In the summer when day light in Russia stays long enough I have plenty of time for my crafting. I usually craft on a balcony which is my major workshop. My family supports me and offers a valuable critic that is extremely helpful!

What do you think is an ideal future for your beautiful hand crafted items?

I wish each of my carefully hand crafted items co
uld find a loving, caring and appreciating owner. I’ve got plenty of creative ideas that I hope to put to life so that they make someone happier.

How do you spend your free time?

I don’t really have that much free time. Thus, I don’t really watch movies. I wouldn’t want to waste my time on movies but I read a lot. My favorite book is “Antichrist” by Mezhkovskiy. I would highly recommend this book to everyone! I like Vasiliy Aksenov’s prose.

What are the techniques and materials you like to work with?

I’m currently much into American vintage glass and china or porcelain bits and pieces.

Could you please tell us about your home town?

I actually lived first seven years of my life in St.Petersburg and completely fell in love with this city. I still have a lot of relatives there and go to St.Pet every time I can. As for Omsk I don’t really like it. It’s not my city!

As for my mainn source of inspiration it’s classical music.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

SALE Black Friday - Cyber Monday

I heard, that US is having a SALE weekend :) Please visit my Etsy shops for discounts!

10% OFF for all in Katrinshine shop

Etsy lounched new very useful feature: discount coupons during checkout.
To get my discount 10% off please enter code BLOG2211 in Katrinshine shop.

For more details look here.

Happy shopping!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Brown Quilted pillows

In my posts in april I wrote about how to sew pillow in Patchwork Spiral stile. With example of a divan pillow I'll described the steps to making it. "Spirals" is one of techique of patchwork. This particular technique gives room to imagination as small pieces of fabric assemble an inimitable design, that’s why every piece of work made in this style is very unique and original. And a result is a lovely refreshing accent for your living room or patio! Your guests will notice this wonderful quilted pillow!
I made this two pillows about one month ago, but didn't have a time to wrote about it. The first one was in
teal and white shades. These two are in brown and cream color combination with backing in brown gabardin cotton.

You can find it in special section in my shop: there

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

SALE!!! I offer coupon code!

I am pleased to announce sale in my Etsy Shop: www.katrinshine.etsy.com

Just use this coupon code BLOG2211 and get 10% off any item in my store! It will help you save some money.
This coupon is valid till 31 december 2010!

Also remember about free shipping worldwide for all fabric jewelry, leather jewelry and accessories and pillows! Many of my items is OOAK!

A lot of the items in the shop are already in SALE section - Gift under $10!
Have fun shopping!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Crimson Leather flowers necklace

After making crimson leather brooch, necklace and earrings about which I wrote here: Crimson poppy flowers earrings and brooch I still had a few small pieces of crimson leather. But they were too small. Last week I had and idea what I can make with - necklace with small flowers! I like red color and I think many people like it. Red is the color of life, activity and energy, strength and determination, love and anger. It's the color of ardor, it excites, evokes passion, stimulates emotion and desire. What can be more beautiful as necklace with dark red flowers!

You can find it in special section in my shop.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Giveaway from Galafilc

Gala, owner of Galafilc shop on Etsy, is a member of our Team of Russian Artists and wonderful felt maker from Poland. She created many wonderful pieces for every day wear and for the holidays.
She has offered this lovely felted brooch as a giveaway:

Wouldn’t it be nice to wear during the Holidays? It is made of wool, decorated with glass beads, shell pieces and has a pin on back for easy wear. Stunningly beautiful!

The rules to enter this giveaway and win this wonderful brooch you can read on Etsy Russian Team blog.

This giveaway will run until next Friday, November 26th, 2010, the winner will be chosen through Random.org and announced on Saturday, November 27th!

Have fun and good luck!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cream and Cerise leather brooch

Today I preset you Cream and Cerise leather brooch. This is not one of my newest creations but I like it too much. This combination colors of cream and cerise is as brightly as neutral. That's why you can dress on your everyday clothes or holiday dress, bag or blouse or what you want.
You have to know how to wear a brooch.
Brooches worn on the right and left breast, on the lapel of the jacket, on the corner of the collar of the blouse or the dress, on the pocket. You can pin it also on the beret or the hat. Is very good to combine color of the brooch with the color of bag or shoe.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Feature seller - interview with LittleGrayFox

Today I present you my new featured seller - LittleGrayFox

1. Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Tsuki Fox and I’m a craft-a-holic. Sometimes I have trouble sticking with one project! I work a 9-5 job as an escrow assistant. It’s not really my passion, more of a paycheck, but I can’t complain.

2. What do you love about where you live?
I live just outside of Seattle, WA. Specifically, my neighborhood is quiet and peaceful and I love it. Generally, WA State is a great place to live! There are lots of fun activities to do and plenty of different places to visit. A lot of transplants can’t stand the gray weather, but it really doesn’t rain as much as you see in movies or TV. You just have to remember that all that rain is the reason why we have the nickname of the Emerald City…lush green landscapes!

3. Is your shop a business or a hobby?
I consider it to be a hobby. Unfortunately, I have to run it like a business since I was required to get a business license a couple of years ago. So now I’m trying to get it to be a successful one. I’ll let you know how that turns out ;)

4. How did you get started on Etsy?
I actually started as a buyer about 4 years ago. I had heard about it from a friend and back then it was a great place for all handmade items. Now, with vintage and supplies, it’s even better! I try to buy most of my supplies from other Etsy sellers…keep it in the family, yo!

5. What are you working on right now?
I’m feverishly working on holiday items, ornaments and brooches. I have a craft show in two days and I’m very behind on my work!

6. How did you choose your craft medium?
I chose polymer clay on a whim. It was over 10 years ago. I was bored and looking for a hobby. During a trip to the local craft store, I discovered polymer clay. With embroidery, I used to actually do it for fun when I was a kid, around 6 and seven. I would work on embroidery hoops with my step-mom at the time. I had stopped for several years and just picked it back up a couple years ago.

7. When you’re not working on your crafts, how do you like to spend your time?
I love photography. That is something I hope to continue to learn and grow with. I’m always taking photos either with my camera or my phone. I’ve had cameras for as long as I can remember. I still have pics I took when I was 8 years old! My dream is to one day make that my main income. Who knows if it will work out, but I’m having fun with it for now!
8. Where we can find you?
Name: Tsuki Fox aka LittleGrayFox
Etsy Shop: http://littlegrayfox.etsy.com
Blog: http://littlegrayfoxblog.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/littlegrayfox

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blue recycled leather Earrings

One of my last creations are Blue recycled leather Earrings. These are simple and gorgeouse and convenient for any occasion. This winter the blue color will be one of the leaders in fashion. Steel Blue goes well with many colors thanks to its neutrality. The blue color of the noble, handsome and strong.
This winter you will find many surprises in blue!

This earrings and other my leather creations you can find in special section in my shop.

Monday, November 15, 2010

New fabric necklace - Pearl dream

Today I preset a new fabric necklace Pearl Dream. This necklace has so femmine color in pearl tones. So many shades of white, pearl, cream and beige! I totally fell in love with this fabric when I saw it. What do you think?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yesterday I was featured in Etsy Finds

Yesterday I was featured in Etsy Finds. This is daily Etsy shopping guide. It was surprise for me to see my Ice blue leather flower Shoe clips there!

This morning I saw Google Analitics and I had over 1000 person had a look at my shop and over 2700 pages viewed pages! It was like be on Etsy Front Page all day) Of course I had sales tonight.

You can see this collection here.
It's called "Holiday Spectrum"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New leather shoe clips

I made two pair of new leather shoe clips: red and creme.
You can find it in special section in my shop.

Red again won in the hearts of famous designers. You can see it everywhere - in the collections of clothing and footwear, accessories and interiors. Red - the most dangerous and at the same time the most alluring of all the colors of the rainbow. I like red color - color of passion!
Red leather shoe clips :

This winter In a fashion are all shades of skin color: powdery, pinkish, yellowish, cream, shade of warm milk, a glossy caramel shades. Cream and skin colored shoes are at the height of moda. They look great with any clothes and visually lengthen the legs. What that may be the best accessories to your shoes than creme shoe clips! So elegant and simple!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My collage sheet was on Etsy Front Page

Treasury with russian artists was on Etsy Front Page!
This gorgeous treasury named "Winter song" and made by Elena from StudioElenus.
But Alphabet letters collage sheet was featured on FP for little time and I didn't have many views in my
KarisaGraphic shop.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We dont have a WINNER))

We dont have a WINNER))
This is peeled back of radicchio di Treviso - the kind of сhicory.
It's very good for risotto or grilled.

Photo from http://www.fotonatura.it/

Photo from http://www.foodelicious.it

©2009 Katrinshine | by TNB